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Everything posted by Coppz

  1. What year Zed do you have? I had to modify my new lights to connect those to the Zed..Mine is a JDM '03. Wonder what the doner car was originally..?! Good luck with those lights!
  2. There is the forged internals if you are going to go FI as mentioned..
  3. I roughly quote our PM - "If you are old enough to commit the crime, you are old enough to recieve the punishment". "We will do everything necessary to strenghen the police force in order for them to do the Job". They need to learn.
  4. Or NOS and the mods Wasso says above You beat me to the NOS thing Ian.. Not to hijack but I need to get the ball rolling with mine!
  5. Open the boot, if you cant get at them from the back the lights can be removed easy. Odd that there was no fuse in place..maybe an indicator for another problem..?
  6. I never did that, but Im a good shot.. Im in: Shall I set up a thread : ZED VETS RIOT CONTROL SQUAD (Volunteers needed!)
  7. Are they connected Few things to try!
  8. Id expect more differences tbh.. I wouldnt pay it if everything else was identical..!
  9. Is there an internal fuse box? Also..have you recently changed them?
  10. Should all be round up and shot and left to rot, just animals........sorry thats an insult to animals. I feel physically sick that people think they can act like this in our country! Poor guy in the video - blood seems to be pouring and I think his teeth might even be knocked out? Spray them all with a bright indelible ink, give the general public batons and let them beat down whoever has been inked. Then stop their benefits and make them tidy up. Or alternatively send them into a war zone and let them fend for themselves there! These lot are not worth our aviation fuel.. not to mention they probably call themselves British, and we have enough bad press without the Taliban laughing at us. Im taking another look at my Australian Emmigration pack... Haven't we learned from so many bad decisions already that have left this country in a poor state of affairs? Has anyone heard of the British Empire...Ask WHERE and WHY it has gone..
  11. The same is well known with the FTO as they are now pretty old, they can be polished out. The worst cases needed a few stages of different grade wet and dry. If done correctly they will come up like new. Also you can buy headlight polishing paste - http://shop.ebay.co.uk/i.html?_nkw=head ... m270.l1313 Or Moisture as above! Oh! Did you like the lights??
  12. Shop around for a cheap quote, some sprayers will just do the area not the whole panel. If done well, could be alot cheaper for you?
  13. Coppz


    Watch that back end
  14. This looks pretty good!! My conditioner make a good difference, but I do have a little of that orange on some stitching.. Not the cheapest, but you get what you pay for I expect!
  15. Haha..It was quite a funny winter tbh.. Saw all sorts...Ill be looking for a skinny tyred shed soon enough. Wax oil is the same idea I believe, not sure of the exact stuff. Saying that, I have noticed that the inside arches are without, but I am looking at keeping it covered or locked up for the grubby months.. depressing really!
  16. I feel bad I have the same year but JDM All bodywork is sound luckily, has been undersealed too, will be locked up for winter!! Shedding, not Zedding! Id get it into a b shop sooner rather than later and get it all sealed, will be cheaper than 2-3 hundred when it gets worse in a year or 2..or less with the salt. My FTO had the arches done inc welding at £400 was back 2 years later. But I winter drove it, they are still acceptable.
  17. I used a Turtle wax one the other day from B & Q on the black heated leather.. They went from grey to black and feel softer..worth a shot for a fiver??
  18. I think you are right...The door switches...grr, everything else would be ok? Full Kit http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/350z07b/50-2667G Door switches (LHD!! ) http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/350z07b/50-3724
  19. I have a 2003 and wanted a slight new look blue tint.. So I bought these: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... K:MEWNX:IT Dipped beam, single HiDs (pre-facelift) and cheap Very happy, fitted last night and didn't bleed doing it. I will post a how to for the bulb change as it's not the easiest car to bulb change if you've never done it! Hope that helps.
  20. Google for the US parts sites .. I'm after just the upper console really!! I guess after importing, they are fairly expensive..
  21. Tidy..should have sold you mine so I could get a mk 3 from alex... Oh...Enjoy!
  22. Looking sweet !! Black Rays, De-Wiper
  23. Not sure if are after the Mark 1 or Mark 2 but trawl back though the for sale, you may find one.. Ben
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