It does reboot as i turn the key to start it , i should be able to run in a live from the battery , my only concern with that is that it would always be on and drain the battry , i could always fit a switch under the footwell but shouldnt have to do all this surely ! , Let me know what your guy says
You should have a constant live and a switched live as I understand it. When you're cranking the live direct from the battery (which is what he's going to do to mine) should stop this problem. The constant live in the loom is effected by cranking.
Cranking ? , Yeah there is a constant live and a switched both going to the headunit behind the dash , Only thing is when wiring a perm live to the headunit it will always have power and if like mine a L.E.D will always be on that could drain the battery if left for a while , and i dont really want a light on in the car 24/7.
Cranking= starting the engine. LEDs take a tiny amount of juice assuming it is just an LED 'dot' and not a whole display that's on constantly?