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Everything posted by Southernspeed

  1. As far as I'm aware, misrepresentation of your number plate also carries 3 points, where as a small plate is still just a fine.
  2. Welcome! I've not driven an RX8 but have passengered in one and much much prefer my 350 so I reckon you'll love the 370!
  3. Thanks chaps. Counter weight didn't work so I'm now six pence poorer
  4. Elaborate please! What counter weight?
  5. I've fitted some replacement gas struts which are working fine as such, but now when I press the tailgate release it doesn't pop up enough to clear the catch so you have to use two hands, one to press the button, the other to lift it slightly. SGS assure me that the struts aren't even working at full compression so they wouldn't hinder the poppers operation. It worked fine with the 'almost worn out' original struts. So do the 'poppers' wear generally? I presume there's no adjustment in them? I really only have to assist them with one finger to get the tailgate to clear the catch but it's not doing it on it's own!
  6. If you're planning on using an iPhone with this ..... bad news. I'm battling with mine as I have to re-pair the phone overtime I switch the ignition on. Alpine say it's due to the latest Apple firmware and they are working on the problem, could be a few weeks yet. Apparently this happens quite often when Apple update iPhone firmware £600 odd for a unit based on iPod and iPhone use and it doesn't work. Terrific!
  7. Mine doesn't exactly hide the age of the car .... in fact it confirms it MY54ZED
  8. What Alpine unit are you buying? I've just got the ixa-407bt. Still waiting for a decent facia plate though.
  9. Good grief , a contender for the Darwin award! Titanium tap? Yeah right.
  10. Yep, afraid so Blame the girlfriend 'buy it, buy it' she said ..... so I did. Doh!!
  11. Yeah mine's very mechanical when cold. 1st to 2nd and sometimes to 3rd, almost a bit 'toothy' sometimes like a real metal on metal chink. Fine when warm though
  12. I've got a new Nissan one I just bought ...... then 2 days later changed the stereo with a built in BT
  13. OK thanks guys. I was just concerned it may effect the steering a bit. I hadn't really noticed my wheels were 'tucked in' until I read this thread, dammit....more money
  14. Is there any difference/problem with the handling with spacers fitted? I presume you need to fit longer wheel studs??
  15. Where's the 'Like' button? Good work Mark! Bring some sunshine home from Texas please!
  16. settings, general, bluetooth. Let it discover. It should find 350z. Done.
  17. But don't try it now after a few beers. Just in case :-)
  18. Simples, pair your phone and use it :-)
  19. Your engine totally cuts out and needs re-starting?? Doesn't sound like TC, more like a different problem.
  20. As above, seems like he's hiding something. I know red ones don't come up much but better to wait than buy a money pit ..... well, more than they are anyway! Better to spend your extra money on goodies than repairing something you've just bought!
  21. Take a drive up to Abbey Motorsport sometime. Nice drive and people you can trust!
  22. Another big +1 for SGS. I sent mine of Wednesday, Thursday they called to say the shafts were too worn to re-gas so they supplied new ones. They even put my brackets on the new ones and delivered to my door the very next day, £70 all in. A 5th the price of Nissan ones!! Great price and even better .... great service!
  23. I'd get a second opinion on that if I were you! Seriously!
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