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Everything posted by Southernspeed

  1. I think 6.75 at 206mph so far, check out http://www.bramsracing.com/zed/#/home/ if you haven't already. Awesome car
  2. Not had it done, yet, but I was under the impression that it was a multi map, maybe been fed wrong info, still on the list though I think Mark said the multi map (or maybe just 2 maps??) couldn't be done on the uk ecu but can on the US or Jap? Not sure. Mine's in their workshops at the moment for service and tune up package inc UpRev
  3. Welcome! I remember those feelings every time I picked up the phone to see if Zs were still for sale, then going to actually buy one! Enjoy your new steed !
  4. I watched it a few times today. Well put together and nicely shot considering the 'stand-by' equipment he was using. Love the slow-mo stuff and the in-car footage!! Seeing the pit stuff is as important/interesting as the run too. Roll on next weekend!
  5. What sort of ETs and speeds are the Zs getting?
  6. Mind you, I can't see her Dad driving the Z while you fix his jalopy
  7. it's ok, I was only joking about valet servicing, I know the circumstances of this 'special service' , but then Abbey DO go the extra mile and I daren't mention what 'courtesy' car they gave me today!
  8. Valet parking is one thing, but valet servicing ?!! Awesome
  9. That was 2004, I'd expect that to have almost doubled by now! Abbey have just fitted an HKS one which looked almost factory fit and didn't need any bonnet mods. I think that gave 380 odd horse but don't remember the costs. Could be worth giving them a call
  10. Kia ora! Bottle of beer and a turbo ..... looks like 'Kiwi can-do' engineering to me
  11. Well...... I had a good day! Good to see JB and Abbey Motorsport lay down a good 6 second run Sunday, then a bye run then an unfortunate red light in the final which seems to be down to how the car shudders when on 2 step ( that's how I understood it, I'm sure Mark will correct me if I'm wrong ), breaking the beam. A real shame, but all part of the learning curve I guess. Nice tutu Jamie!! Some great cars on show and some very impressive times by some of the street driven RWYB cars. I've never seen so many late model GTR's in one place! Roll on next weekend for next strip action
  12. John Bradshaw just put down a 6.81 @ 200mph for the first run of the day in Project Z, so should be putting on a good show tomorrow weather permitting Well done Abbey Motorsport, see you tomorrow
  13. Awesome! How Le mans cars should sound .... not all this diesel stuff
  14. you know he's going to get it polished on the way in tomorrow now, don't you
  15. Yeah or make them an offer. They're only £830 from Sumo Power, maybe another dealer could compete?
  16. Really nice job, doesn't look 'orange peely' at all which you often get with powder coat. Nice! Is the ally rim lacquered over?
  17. Not for me, it's always been a £30 fine and never points. You're right, I'm wrong. There was talk of bringing points in, but now they have the right to take back the registration. Never heard of it being done though.
  18. yeah it is good kit, I used the other display unit though http://www.zeitronix.com/Products/LCD/L ... lay_Format I used them for tuning a couple of Chevy V8s by a laptop programme as they can be connect straight to your laptop too.
  19. I believe the Zeitronix one can power a warning light too.
  20. I've used Zeitronix Zt2 before. Gives you WB display plus EGT, boost +1 user input. Digital incur display.
  21. and ..... I needed to go down to the post office an hour ago to post something to another member so jumped on my K8 'Busa (yeah I know, overkill for a post office run ) and guess what .... flat battery!! haven't started it for a few weeks though
  22. Must be something in the air - exactly the same thing on my X-Trail this morning. Key fob wouldn't work and no interior light or anything - only used it a few days ago. Put a spare battery in it started fine, so battery is gone (wouldn't even start to take a charge in the garage). Can this be coincidence This will get the conspiracy theorists going!
  23. Oh man you should've bought that! My girlfriend looked into getting P4ULA , think she said it was £30k!!!
  24. I think there's something in the air!! My Triumph battery died this week as has 2 customer's batteries! How old was yours? If you have a meter check the battery. if it's charged your problem lies in battery leads or main fuse I would think. If it's dead, see if it'll take a charge then check for a parasitic load. If there's no unusual load it's battery time.
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