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Everything posted by Humpy

  1. Spotted at 5 min 20 - car looks great especially with those volks Also @W8BGS at 50 seconds in
  2. You getting rid of the current wheels then? Just curious.....
  3. Awesome! Just dusted off my Nikon 3200 that I purchased off from a member off here. Only got one lens for it now as my dog decided to chew the other one lol. I had a little look at RawTherapee - looks good for a freebie. Any good guide you can recommend?
  4. What a blinder of a day. Obviously a lack of cars as a whole but was nice to have a lot of space around the cars. Great meeting some new faces today Brucey bonus with the weather holding out and somehow managed to get sun burnt. Will post a few pictures later.
  5. Also a shell garage on the same roundabout if you want some Vpower. Will meet by the recycling bins ( take first left marked 'store' )
  6. Welcome back to Z ownership and look forward to seeing pictures of the latest hoon!
  7. Thanks Andy for posting the times. Gutted you cannot make and hoping the zed is back up and running asap. As a side note there will be one final meeting point for 9.10am at The Royal Oak.
  8. Waiting for a quote from the wrappers for a few bits to be done. Had it for a month or more and feels wrong not doing anything to it. Dave had done such a good job modding it I am struggling to think of things to do within reason lol.
  9. Do you take your own photos? Do much editing to them?
  10. On a thing called Facebook Paul lol. Sure some will be up on here soon enough. Looked like an amazing turn out
  11. Think these cars are awesome as standard but the mods you have done on this is just up my street. Car is looking bloody lovely! Love it!
  12. Indeed welcome to the club and also this tunnel looks awesome
  13. Yeah red one was certainly special ( to me anyway ).
  14. All tickets for this are sold out according to the Beaulieu website. Short Paul is after a ticket if someone is unable to make.
  15. Valy has asked me to pick it up for him.... honest guv
  16. Zed is in the blood and I struggle to leave the zed community ( best bit of ownership for me ) 10 years in a zed and onto my 3rd which I can see myself keeping for a long time. The 350z was awesome as that was modded from scratch. Blue was great but something was missing for me. Now onto the vert which I love already.
  17. We all know Andy is 30 years old....
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