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Everything posted by Humpy

  1. 1. andy James PAID 2. Sebastian PAID - Track 12.40 3. Stephanie 4. Andy_Muxlow PAID 5. SHEZZA PAID 6. Silverthorn PAID 7. Cs2000 PAID - Track 14:40 8. nissmoandy PAID 9. Paul K - PAID 10. V1H PAID 11. Matthew Thain PAID 12. Jamie Thain PAID 13. whitevanman. PAID 14. Mark350Z. PAID - Track 14.40 15. luigi350z PAID 16. Sarah PAID 17. zzincubus (Len Meakin) PAID 18. Flashback - PAID 19. FruitPolo PAID 20. BUSTER PAID 21. Trott + 1 PAID 22. George (tarmacsportz) -PAID 23. Valy - PAID 25. MattRwebB - will pay end of month 26. Terry - Paid 27. Jamie - paid 28. checkle91 - PAID 29. AndrewK - Paid 30. Jenso - PAID 31. Tauvp - paid 32. 14N - PAID 33. Ross dean- PAID -track 15-20 34. Face_Eator PAID + Handling course 35. jamstar007 PAID Track time 9.40 36. ILikeDolphins PAID 37. kostask PAID 38. ASugars888 - Paid 39. Humpy - PAID
  2. Anyone taking there better halfs to this? Andy james, Muxy etc?
  3. Finally getting round to getting some stuff done on the 70
  4. Welcome to the club and great looking zed
  5. Spotted in Winchester this evening in Tower Street car park.
  6. Cloth around the existing knob and some grips. Can be super tough though
  7. Welcome and where abouts in Hampshire are you? Hi from Winchester
  8. Lovel tribute with the plate Lex! Great to see you back on the forum again and look forward to seeing the progress with this one.
  9. Any videos yet with the new exhaust on? Looks awesome Dave!
  10. Oooohhhh I need some 303 in my life and more importantly on the soft top . Looks great!
  11. You know what I think but will say it again. AWESOME!
  12. Not a bad move Dave! Only really use Stalk book for stalking and car shows Must meet up soon.
  13. Date! Missed you buddy. Hope all is well?
  14. What a great day otherwise to pick the beast up. Unless of course it's raining oop North I am excited for you
  15. Where was this hiding when I came up Dave? Also where is the other summer toy
  16. @Richn370 - if you are on facebook look at this. Some great photos of yours with the 240z. @zzincubus- A awesome pic of yours in their aswell.
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