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Everything posted by Humpy

  1. Well picked up my Z on Thursday late afternoon and have since been doing the normal combing over the car getting it back upto scratch and driving it lots and doing some more driving over this bank holiday! Since getting it already gone through £70 of fuel and just got back in from putting another £75 in the tank to last me for the rest of it. Need to seriously get this initial enjoyment of having the zed out of my system... cant see that happening though!
  2. I viewed a couple of Gun metals at Sovereign ( Whitchurch ) where DoogyRev lives. I bought my one from a dealer in Yate near Bristol.
  3. Picked her up late afternoon and have been pretty much driving since! Freaking love it, the drive back from Bristol to Winchester was such a pleasure in this car. Went straight to the garage to top up her up with some juice and the first bloke I saw said ' nice motor mate '.... Pretty sure no one has said that before in any of my previous cars! The car will get a proper polish etc tomos but took one photo of the Z when I stopped to have some dinner which I woofed down and was out driving again!
  4. Nice one mate, awesome looking car for sure. Where abouts in sunny South are you exactly?
  5. Welcome mate, just down the road from you so will keep an eye out :-)
  6. Blow out the cobwebs from my brain and remember that far back Think I was driving a Escort 1.6 LX... did me proud though!
  7. Cheers Rev :-) You ever been in Sovereign Cars showroom, done a lovely job on it. Worth having a nosey if you live that close to them.
  8. Good old Whitchurch, viewed two Gun Metal Z's at Sovereign cars which are in Whitchurch. They certainly know what cars to choose and pick and there AC Cobra's up there are something else! Anyway just literally had conformation that tomos afternoon is when the final deed is done and I can have a nice drive back from Yate near Bristol back to Winchester! Tick tock tick tock tick tock... Now just have to wait for my personal number plate to come through.
  9. Happy bday peeps, make sure it's a good one!
  10. Welcome to the forum and gratz on the new purchase!
  11. Very nice indeed, I also love the look of the 350z in Gun metal.
  12. 12 years driving, 9 years or more NCB ( 1 accident no fault as driver went into back of me), no points on license amd 30 years of age. The company im currently with came up with a quote of £1480... Somehow I dont think so. Phoned some other firms/specialists that were recommend and got quotes from around £800 upto £1000. Tried Gocompare and managed to get my insurance through Privalege for a total of £680. Edit: Beau which insurance company you with?
  13. Been doing the fun part of trying to get the best insurance quote for the best part of the afternoon. 12 years driving, 9 years or more NCB ( 1 accident no fault as driver went into back of me), no points on license. The company im currently with came up with a quote of £1480... Somehow I dont think so. Phoned some other firms/specialists that were recommend and got quotes from around £800 upto £1000. Tried Gocompare and managed to get my insurance through Privalege for a total of £680. Just have to wait for Thrusday now.....
  14. Hello and gratz on the new purchase! Pics would be good
  15. Happy birthday SwanageDave! Side note : Great place Swanage and many a fond memory as I use to live in Swanage a few years back.
  16. That was a most enjoyable thread to read and is what these forums are all about. As someone said a labour of love indeed! Fantastic with what you have done there.
  17. Hi and welcome! Plenty of good Zed's out there and if it worth travelling those few extra miles, it can be worth it. Happy hunting!
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