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Everything posted by Humpy

  1. If it helps was parked down the side road of the Flower Power shop and down far end around the bend :-)
  2. Yeah been searching these forums and other forums and keep hearing that it is the normal thing
  3. As above spotted down a side road in the centre of Whitchurch about 2.30pm today. Anyones on here? Doogyrev, you know if this one is a regular local one to you?
  4. Saw a 54 plate Gun metal with full Nismo kit and exhaust driving through South Wonston Village about 3.15pm today. Looked very
  5. Good question was there an answer to this? Not meaning to highjack the thread but I have a chattering noise appear on my Z when in neutral but dissappears when clutch in depressed.
  6. Welcome to the forums and it's going to be one very long week for you! Congrats on the new purchase!
  7. Welcome to the forums and any pics of your new purchase?
  8. Hmmm now I would go to that for sure
  9. Humpy

    New car

    So easy to follow your heart and not your mind when buying a new car especially when getting a Zed
  10. Nice pictures and a tidy looking motor and as Keyser said looks better than the day you picked the Zed up and popped along to Port Solent. You got the Stickers already on your car aswell, must get some on mine!
  11. Looking very nice and tidy there! Still keep asking myself should I have gone with a roadster, maybe next time
  12. These pictures were taken just after I finsihed cleaning! The following morning it was caked/covered in the crap rain/dust where ever it came!! Not amused but hey ho Sorry about quality of pics, taken with the mobile. Steve.
  13. Welcome to the forums and congratulations on the new purchase! Happy days Ps. I agree Black is the fastest colour
  14. Welcome to the forums and nice tidy motor you have! Cant believe someone has keyed it already
  15. Really like that, looks REALLY comfortable! Good choice
  16. Weclome and gratz on the new purchase! Happy
  17. Hope you dont mind me linking to a differnet site but this should help you http://forums.**REMOVED**.com/lofivers ... 13159.html
  18. I had the exact same problem when getting my insurance quote and gave me a little panick attack thinking the garage were doing one over me! I immediatley phoned the garage asking them to scan in copies of the V5 documents etc so I could check the VIN number. Volia it was definately a UK GT spec. As MartinMac has said Insurance companies databases seem very random!
  19. Well gave the car a wash later that day as cannot stand a dirty car and sadly was no straight forward rinse and wash - a right ole bugger to clean off! Spanish rain with Sahara desert thrown in for good measures I reckon
  20. Welcome to the forums Jeff You have any ideas what your after etc, colour for example?
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