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Everything posted by Humpy

  1. Welcome to the forums and congratulations on the new purchase
  2. Looks really good what you have done so far and will keep my eyes peeled on this thread. Having a black Zed myself I'm always looking for ideas, I'm loving the purple rear Strut... Oh god I just see more money being thrown at the Z
  3. Dont think you would have to many issues with selling your mods seperately, plenty of vultures on this forum! * whisltes *
  4. Was that what the stealers quoted you? Just purchasing some spark plugs of Zmanalex, think you will find his price a little easier to digest Welcome to the forums anyway and congratulations on your purchase! Steve.
  5. Hi Daz, Was nice to meet you at the Salisbury meet today Nice car you have
  6. Welcome to the forums and plenty of info to b found on the forum.
  7. Just purchased mine, cheers for the link
  8. 1 x 53 plate at Percy Hobbs roundabout going down Alresford road into Winchester about 1.10pm today. 1 x GM with private plate ending in ' EXT ' near the Spitfire roundabout just outside Winchester. About 1.10pm aswell. 1 x Silver 04 plate driving down City road in the centre of Winchester about 6.05 this evening. Plate ended in ' FZL ' Nice to see the Zed's out in force today
  9. Heard it before I saw it drive past whilst I was having a cheeky beerio in the front garden of the Cart and Horses pub in Kingsworthy Plate ended in ZKD
  10. BC2 here and looking very much forwards to BF3, in game footage looks amazing to say the least.
  11. Down in Swanage, raving it up with SwanageDave
  12. Very tastefully done, bet it looks even better in the flesh! Good work indeed!
  13. Getting married and selling the Zed Jim, you must of done something very bad in your previous life
  14. I had a l200 and thought they were awesome work horses, did me very proud when down on the south coast. Seems a long time ago now My One
  15. Does that mean your garage is also Wonky
  16. Welcome to the forums and congratulations on your purchase
  17. Welcome to the club and congratulations on the purchase!
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