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Everything posted by Humpy

  1. Welcome to the funny farm Black is the fastest and sexiest colour
  2. Got an £850 one of them the other week. Pays for a bit of my other halves wedding ring I suppose. Better than a kick in the nuts eh! This is now my third tax rebate within the last year roughly, got a fair old amount of £££ back to say the least.
  3. Crimbo came early for me by the looks of it, got a nice £1200 tax rebate Must resist to buy something for the zed....
  4. Some of those just look plain painful!
  5. Thinking of you at this difficult time. Thoughts are with you and your family. Steve.
  6. I had the same problem with my left speaker cutting out when I bought mine and found a couple of solutions on a thread on here. The first solution I tried was hit/thump the passenger knee rest thingy ( technical term ) and has been fine ever since! ( been fine for last 6 months anyway ) As Abby has said there is a fault I think with a lose cable in the amp. The search button at top right is your friend.
  7. Welcome to the forums! Pictures please of all those cars mentioned would be lovely
  8. Welcome to the forum, lovely looking Z you have there
  9. Serious guys, you need to get out more or watch some prawn
  10. Nice buy, your Mrs must be very pleased with that
  11. Haha awesome card, Dave just dont be tempted to eat the card
  12. Got big expectations for Diablo 3 and cannot wait for its release. Im a big fan of the Asus and a brand you cannot go far wrong with.
  13. Welcome to the forums and grats on the purchase
  14. Spotted GM in Tower St car park In Winchester at 5.45ish this evening, didnt get reg as was leaving car park. Though you were certainly driving out spiritedly and setting off a few car alarms off on route
  15. Details and pictures needed.....Details and pictures needed......Details and pictures needed..... so guess we need some pictures and more details of the car Congrats on your new purchase!
  16. Great mod if you dont have this already and a great price!
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