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Everything posted by Humpy

  1. Probably one stupidiest things ive seen in a long time either that or I dont get out that much! Crazy stuff and looks horrendous.
  2. Welcome to the forum and congratualtions on your new purchase. Chose the best and fastest colour
  3. Welcome to the forums, looks like you found a lovely Zed there.
  4. Welcome the forum! Yeah some great cars for Z's for sale in the Trade section, definately worth looking at!
  5. Welcome to fruit loop central and good luck in your quest for a Zed, they are a fantastic car
  6. Spose I would'nt say no If I was given one Nice vid though, out of curiosity what editing package you using?
  7. Humpy

    All White!

    Both look very
  8. What the truck! Different to say the least!
  9. Lol, awesome Wasso... Later that evening Wasso is covered from head to toe in Dodo juice after the other half uses some of your new hair gel
  10. Ola and welcome to fruit loop central
  11. Congratulations on the purchase Where abouts are you based?
  12. Top man - hope we are not responsible for a divorce All I can say it's a complicated one and not were not married so I think your be alright Bit like Wasso, cannot flippin wait and looking forward to meeting those who I have not had the pleasure to meet yet
  13. Green light Would of liked to of done both drives that weekend but needing to drive back home on that Sunday. Both looking forward to it Ok Hotel now booked for all 3 nights and updated, If the other half cannot get the Monday off then I will ship her off on the train
  14. The same provision will be available this year. Although we do recommend for anyone having a way to go home (and can get the time off from work on the Monday) to stay over on the Sunday night at Moreton to really finish off the weekend whilst re-living the weekend highlights looking at the pics on a large screen etc Might double check with the better if she wants stay the extra evening on that Sunday if she is able to get time off on Monday. Im so easily persuaded when it involves a few extra If not then might do the half drive on the Sunday then drive back home.
  15. Green light Would of liked to of done both drives that weekend but needing to drive back home on that Sunday. Both looking forward to it
  16. Humpy

    Nissan Idol entry

    Voted and good luck, stunning car
  17. Really encouraging to read so many postive comments about how good these yearly big events are. Will be seeing my other half in middle of week to confirm if this is a green light for both of us as Im an eager beaver to attend this one. Done a couple of meets so far which has been a pleasure and a joy meeting some folks but a whole weekend away with a whole bunch of strangers is something that we are both a little bit unsure of so to speak.
  18. Should of posted on here with this problem, would of got it solved a lot quicker
  19. Welcome to the forums and congratulations on the new purchase. Even better that we have another Hampshire Hog
  20. Well not a good experience/start of ownership of the Sony Nex-5N - I simply could not take pictures or record video and every time I turned on the camera I had to re-do the time and date.... Tried everything the manual said and ventured onto the problem page and went through all the steps etc and still the same problem. Anyway I was preparing myself to take the camera back to the shop this morning until I finally stumbled across this on google. someone describing the exact same problem http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/read. ... tures&qf=m Cut along story short I hooked the camera upto the pc and instantly recognised the device, unplugged the camera from the PC and tried to take a picture and hey presto it works! Anyone else have this same issue with the NEX when tyou purchased yours? Apart from the initial frustrations the camera I think is going to do me proud, just need lots of practice
  21. Sorry to hear that fella, would be so unbelievably hacked off. Where was your car left?
  22. Have kept an eye on this thread as I have been putting off getting a new camera and moving on from my point and click which recently died. Looking at Manphibians pics persuaded me from looking at Nikon 3100 dslr etc to buying the Sony Nex-5N. Thought I would take the plunge with the South East meet looming up
  23. Welcome to the forum and fruit loop central!
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