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Everything posted by Humpy

  1. For those that care Name change from RC182 to Humpy - Reason being a lot easier to say when introducing yourself at car meets Wasnt entirely to sure where to start a thread on this so thought Humpy deserved an introduction Steve.
  2. Absolutley crazy stuff!
  3. Awesome job there mate, well worth the effort when you get results like that.
  4. - Thats just mean Spursdave
  5. Loved reading this story the first time. Probably the last time he ever nicked anything and now has a phobia of using/holding a knife of any variety!
  6. Not sure if it is a repost but gave me a little chuckle anyway.
  7. Very nice Jim Times like this when work can have it's little perks
  8. Another reason why Im not keen on roller coaster rides, I quite fancy having my limbs intact especially the ole noggins!
  9. Commando unit wasnt it, saw the picture in the paper today. Someone is going to get a spanking over that one
  10. Search stubby and aerial then take your pick
  11. Your saying Gillian Mckieth is some hot bit of muffin and Nigella is pig ugly
  12. Oh no not you aswell Glrnet, must be something in the water
  13. As the camera man pulls some funny faces to put the driver off
  14. Yay another Southern Member Congrats with the purchase mate and happy motoring!
  15. Humpy


    Very nice indeed
  16. Humpy

    All White!

    Tempting to! Will have to get a price from the chaps that do the wrapping on my vans just out of curiosity
  17. Humpy

    Nissan Idol entry

    Right voted from the better halfs place Was contemplating putting it up on facebook but knowing my friends they would vote for something else to wind me up
  18. tell me about it, so much I want to do and not enough money but it is just so tempting Haha, just dont go to a car meet otherwise you wont stand a chance of not modding. Bought my car 7 months ago and thought to myself why would you want to mod this car, its beautiful as it is. Went to a meet down Port Solent a week later after buying it and before you know it your bank balance is in the minus figures
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