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Everything posted by Humpy

  1. Congratulations Coldel, pleased to hear all is well! Awesome baby suit aswell!
  2. Tell me about the car parking, especially as we turned up with Bath vs Gloucester match Drove to the hotel early and left our car there and walked along the canal into bath ( in the rain ) I should have a spotted card on the screen myself, never thought of that at the time - Doh!
  3. Taken from another site... ' Whitney and channel 5 bad timing skills '
  4. Spotted this lovely 370z just off the Circus in Bath yesterday. Just setting up the camera to do a nice shot with a nice background etc then blimmin typical timing a taxi decided it would park in front! So then had to rush forward and take the snap. Anyone on here?
  5. Very nice Will, very nice indeed
  6. I will take a stab in the dark that it is a warning there may be something wrong with an air bag
  7. Congrats on the new purchase Dave, you must be dead excited! Your 350z looked lovely and has done you proud. Look forward ot seeing you at another meet with your new toy
  8. +1 Felt sad for you then that you had to wish yourself a happy birthday
  9. ' Can you turn the volume up? ' Mrs likes music and I like to hear the exhaust
  10. Windows 7 here Windows Installation time has SO advanced since Win 95 - Install time is around 20 minutes. If its taking 2 hours to install then there is something wrong
  11. Your still a young chap and good for you for doing something about it, it's taking the plunge and knowing what direction to take is the hardest bit. In the last couple of years I had a major turn around from being in the IT industry and then followed by working in Children Services with the Local Authority to doing something for myself. A lot of hardwork and taken a step back on the money sides of things but at the end of it I will reap the benefits. Good luck and all the best in whatever you choose Steve.
  12. +1 Totally agree with this imo. Had a Clio 182 for 4 1/2 years and was mental oriental car for the cost and really good fun to drive. Now having owned the 350 for about 7 months, it's definately a far more refined drive and a big old lump. Definatley satisfying on how to learn to drive this car properly so to speak.
  13. Good call! Welcome back to the fold... they all come back.... eventually
  14. Another VIN spec http://www.courtesyparts.com/vin.php
  15. Nice little read that was and thanks for the link Just makes me wanna hop in it and go for a spin
  16. Not my cuppa tea, but as long as you like it thats the main thing. Different is one word for it
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