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Everything posted by Humpy

  1. Humpy

    who's who

    Thought it was a new thread to begin with until I saw the amount of pages and then checked the dates! I will get even more confused if I tried to remember forum names and actual names! Steve here or Steveo to friends.
  2. Yeah need to find out about what other services within post office is being affected, we send a lot of ' leaflets ' ( junk mail ) out every month so this all might change
  3. Wasso that is seriously super spanking shiney! Great work and effort there chap
  4. Cheers Rich, Think last week it had 3 washes Everytime I have gone out there it has been coated in dust, presume from them ploughing the fields around here. Got a Motocross opening up nearby soon aswell which is going to cake the car
  5. Saw your 350z driving out of Winchester heading towards Shell garage and Tesco superstore. Flashed and waved at you and got a nice wave back Anyone on here?
  6. not me mate, not been to Winchestershire since xmas Hmmm a 3rd Tango Zed in the area.... Maybe mistaken for my Jaffa Zed? Iv been cleaning it weekly so possibly mine as it looks bright orange in the sun! Well I did say did it look a rusty colour and he definately said bright orange If I can use a quote from Hennerz who has a Sunset Zed himself, one of his mates referred to it as a ' fine turd ' Did make me laugh when I heard that as not heard that term used before
  7. Thanks mate, as I keep saying no more modding from now on..... Though my mechanic did say ' when you lowering it '......... Im Dooooommmeeed!
  8. Well didnt succeed in getting the video off the camera ( will have another try ) but have got 3 new videos off my proper camera which is currently uploading ( might take a while ) EDIT: now with a sample vid. Really pleased with the end result though and highly recommend the Cobra exhaust system and Y-pipe. Key points for me: 1) Not to loud as in chavy loud or fake loud that doesnt match the car. 2) Has a lovely burble at the end of it. 3) Brings out that sporty noise just about right imo. Problem is my right foot seems a little heavier since the exhaust has been installed The car seems to drive slightly different, cannot quite put my finger on it. Not sure if it is just me but seems slightly more responsive when on the gas?? Steve.
  9. I have done a quick vid when it came off the ramps, having issues getting it across from mobile to computer at the moment Either way will do a proper HD vid soon enough I hope Edit: Finally got the blimmin vid off the mobile! -
  10. Cobra exhaust and y-pipe is now fitted If I do say so myself it sounds absolutley lovely, sounds like how it should do! Clear reflectors done at the same time, look so much blimmin better
  11. Humpy

    Z Burgers - Chrome

    No problem mate, no rush for them and totally understand with the recovering from the stag do Steve.
  12. Humpy


    I dunno but im guessing you meant this to go in the 350z thread
  13. not me mate, not been to Winchestershire since xmas Hmmm a 3rd Tango Zed in the area....
  14. Jesus, just checked how many times Ive visited this site... its enough is all I can say I would like to think Im always learning things from things each time I visit the site, if Im not then I defiantely need to do something more pro active
  15. Will certainly do the Hind head tunnel run soon, new exhaust on tomos so even more reason to Get your name down for this meet, should be a good turn out The date has changed to the 5th May I beleive. Last year was a cracking turn out with fantastic weather. viewtopic.php?f=93&t=59865 Thanks Steve.
  16. Nice motor you have there Dan! Im always flying around Winchester, especially around the one way system with building either side for the most part of it, rather pleasing to the ear with the noise from the exhaust. Hopefully see you around again soon.
  17. Well have heard of 'His and Her' cars... not sure I have heard of 'His and His' car I dont see anything wrong with it at all to be honest, he just has good taste
  18. Humpy

    Z Burgers - Chrome

    Where abouts exactly was the stag do being held? Sounds like a corker of a wekeend though Cheers for posting Darren, mighty kind of you. Let me now about payments etc via PM. Thanks Steve.
  19. My mate sent me a pic with the follwing Zed spotted at Chandlersford train station today Anyone here?
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