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Everything posted by Humpy

  1. Keep running! One around that has ur name on it
  2. She certainly did and certainly made me laugh. If I got my Mrs to do some filming she would call me a lot worse things than chav lol edit: Some great first mods there, you must be pleased
  3. Oooohhh nice, any more info on the car Mr Zug?
  4. Right so managed to get some Z burgers ( thanks Darren B ) which needed a little work to get them back to how they should look. Tarnished: Got all the nasties off the badge with some fine emery cloth and then ready for a few layers of priming Currently outside drying with the final coat: The fun bit tomorrow is getting the Nissan badges off Steve.
  5. Troll alert I immediately thought....
  6. I had 2 nice big payouts of owed money, 1st one payed off my America Road trip and the second paid for some Rota's and some left over Always a Brucey bonus when you have that waiting for you on your door step AMT
  7. Humpy

    Z Burgers - Chrome

    If only I had an MX5 you would be in swimming in a pool of beer Look forward to meeting you though Darren at Wales
  8. Humpy

    Z Burgers - Chrome

    You want good old hard cash What you got
  9. Yeah seen a couple of his programs briefly, a little strange to say the least.
  10. Dont know my zorst now has a bit more of a bark to it Though still will keep afar from Will and and Rosie Look forward to seeing Rosie down Port Solent Will
  11. Gutting mate and would of seriously cheesed me off Great guide actually and will be double checking this thread when attmepting mine this week
  12. Humpy

    First good clean

    Gotta love Black Z's...
  13. Dirty is a good word Rosie isnt so innocent any more Haha! Yeah to be honest mate I was being polite to Rosie, she is one filthy little monkey ( still being polite ) Im going to make sure Im not near you on the Wales meet, im wanting to hear my exhaust not yours
  14. That sounds very dirty Will... and I like dirty You must be chuffed with that!
  15. Happy birthday Colin, hope you had a good one
  16. Happy birthday mate, have a good one!
  17. Welcome to the forums and gratz on the purchase
  18. Humpy

    Z Burgers - Chrome

    Cheers Darren, just got back from London to find them waiting for me! Look forward to meeting you and buying some beerio's for you
  19. Pictures please and congratulations on picking up the Zed!
  20. Welcome to the forum and grats on ur purchase! Get some pictures up
  21. Humpy

    Got My Zed!!

    Congrats with the purchase and safe
  22. Not exactly a good image to have for Football especially for youngsters
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