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Everything posted by Humpy

  1. Look forward to seeing this on
  2. People should be jumping on this, its a great event.
  3. Think you mean Andy James and Keyser for the experience.... I just tag along for the shits and giggles Welcome to the forum and great looking Zed!
  4. Humpy

    Wrap !

    taaaa daaaaa
  5. First car in at Japfest, that's what happens when you get there at 5.55 am lol Cracking day as always and managed to catch up with most people. Great turn out and lovely to have some 240z and 300's on stand with us.
  6. 1. andy James x2 tickets PAID 2. Andy_Muxlow PAID 3. 14N - PAID 4. SHEZZA x 2 tickets PAID 5. Mopedmark x2 tickets PAID 6.N1ck x2 PAID 7.BUSTER X2 PAID 8. Shire X2 paid 9. Humpy x 2 - PAID
  7. Great daily Stan, bloody brilliant! Grew up with P6 and P5's and Vitesses etc. Good to see you still loitering around here.
  8. I am a few days late in seeing this... next time maybe lol
  9. Paid 1. Nso93 - Paid 2. cloud1440 3. 14N - Paid 4. ShortPaul 5. Silverthorn - Paid 6. Valy - Paid 7. Liviu 8. Pagan - Paid 9. Liamm56 10. Umster  11. EzeePzee - Paid 12. andy james- paid 13. Lewis Schwier 14. SHEZZA - Paid 15. Terence 16. Jamesmac 17. Humpy - Paid  18. Killick.z 19. kG350z - PAID 20. Buster - paid 21. Andy_Muxlow - paid 22. Daveo132 - paid 23. Chris Kleiser - Paid! 24. napp Paid
  10. I be up for this, will book as soon as can
  11. Yep I stick with my 40th edition thank you. Saying that mine dont exactly look like one now lol
  12. Nice work Andy, this will be freaking amazing. Will sort out tomorrow when on PC to pay.
  13. Great people, weather and food. Lovely seeing the regulars and some new faces. Thanks Andy for organising.
  14. 1. andy James- White Horse Full English 2. Humpy - White Horse full english
  15. Why? Did you both meet in Brighton...... Serious note, the front is looking awesome!
  16. Welcome from Winchester Plenty of events with track days to attend. Great looking car btw
  17. Dude your meets keep getting closer and closer to home for me.... Love it!
  18. Agree with Lrfan, needs a bumper to finish it properly. Looks spot on though zipp, you must be very pleased.
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