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Steve Delaney

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Everything posted by Steve Delaney

  1. hi guys i took on bored your comments and looked at two silver fairladys, as they were local, the power is certainly there, the first one, had aftermarket alloys on and some slight bubbling to rear arches, but felt alot smoother then the second one, and it had an aftermarket spoiler at the rear which was gorgious, here a link to one http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=h ... 59&bih=524 let me know if it doesnt work, not to aftermarket looking if that makes sense ive come to the conclusion that, i want it to be uk gt spec. i will try out a gt spec 350z to see if theres any difference, and i will be uping my budget to 9,000 max if it has FNSH and not rust issues etcetc the search continues !
  2. he said 8-9k i offered 8k with cash in his hand today not sure if he will take it but said he'd think about it, can i ask why has this particualr model got them alloys? he said it came like this? i thought a gt spec included rays?
  3. guys im sorry i cant help it im so tempted to grab this baby, please excuse if this is one of your cars, heres the link http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/nissan-350z-GT-Pa ... 3a659271ef does anyone in the suffolk area want to earn a crate or cash to help view the car with me? steve
  4. Thanks again for help already ive narrowed my search down to a GT spec UK model, thanks to your comments only, it may mean i will need to raise more funds but just look at these cars for all who own one "you lucky ....
  5. all good advice thank you, it is hard to be patient though ive just d=sold my car and bike and was about to buy a seat leon cupra r but stumbled on these beasts! and have to have one even if i have to up my budget, whats the MPG like on the 350z? is the mechanics fairly bullet proof or should i expect to keep 3-400 aside a month on maintenence (was the case for my fiat coupe 20vt) please dont stop the advice its all been taken in thanks
  6. hi wont bore you too much im after a 350z i have 7k for one will this be enough for a decent well maintained 350z? im completly new to 350z are there different varients can someone please fill me in on detials of the car which model what to look for are imports ok etcetc, thanks all and hopefully il have a 350z by the end of weekend
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