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About Madmarky

  • Birthday 18/08/1978

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  1. I did mine recently, Its a bit of a pain as the boot has a lot of bolts which stick up about an inch so make it hard to get it perfectly flat. First clear out all the wheel well padding and stuff Then I would lay a good layer of dynamat down. This will help smooth out some of the bumps and stuff. I also cut the spare wheel bracket out with my dremmel Get some 1 inch foam block to support the base and deal with the raised bolts and build your false floor
  2. Build a marmite car and this will happen mate. Do not take it personally in any way, I have had more than my fair share of negative comments over the years. Just remember any publicity is good publicity, haters gonna hate! you must be doing something right if people feel compelled enough to waste their precious time bitching on the net. Keep up the good work and always dare to be different.
  3. Oh and forgot to add that I have owned my 350 for 6 years and have done my fair share of spirited driving. Since changing to Air ride I think the ride quality is better than stock, I cant comment on how it compares to a decent coilover set-up but I prefer the way it handles now to how it was before. That maybe just because the damper level is a bit stiffer but the car feels much more planted and gives a good feedback.
  4. Just to add a little more information for those who are genuinely interested in what the Air ride kit is all about. I have the Air Lift Performance kit on my 350z but the 370 version is pretty much the same. Replacing your stock suspension with a decent air ride kit will probably set you back between £2.5 and £3K for the kit and from the quotes I had regarding fitting will probably cost £700-1K dependant on the garage. Air ride kits are full replacements for your your coil and springs on your car, but instead of having a spring you have a bag made of tyre like material which can be inflated or deflated. Some kits like the one I have monitor the air in all four corners while you are driving and constantly make small adjustments to keep the ride smooth and balanced. Its just like replacing your standard suspension for coilovers as you can obviously adjust the height but you can also adjust the damper level in the same way you would a normal coilover. With regards to geometry you would setup the cars geometry to the setting you would use for daily driving. I have 8 settings pre stored on my kit and each setting can be accessed quickly at the touch of a button. I only ever drive the car on 1 of those settings as that is what my car is setup for. So yes it is expensive but you can spend a lot of money also on a decent set of coilovers. If you were a serious track driver then I would stick with coilovers all day long as you would only ever setup the car to suit the track conditions. But for someone who wants their car lower than standard and has a lot of speed bumps around or has a show pony and wants the decked look then air ride is a very good option. Your car is looking good Nino will have to pop and see you next time you are around and have a look in the flesh,
  5. I think this is A BRILLIANT idea, as i also store things in my wheel well. Did the above happen? IF so i may be very interested in this also? cheers The 350z doesn't have a spare wheel well. It is a flat floor with some polystyrene sections that create a area for the spare wheel to sit in. The problem is that it has a raised section in the centre of the boot which is used to secure the spare wheel which would have to be cut away to create a totally flat floor. This would make it very difficult for a company to create a off the shelf solution. I have recently redone my install and have located the sub in this area.
  6. 1) AmyZed - Paid 2) Grundy - Paid 3) Dunks - Paid 4) DDay - Paid 5) Blaqkaudio - Paid 6) Pritchard - Paid 7) kite 350 - Paid 8) flyn 9) octet (Torqen) - Paid 10) Gumpy000 - Paid 11) glrnet - Paid 12) MadMarky - Paid 13) Will370z - Paid 14) Buster + mrs Buster - Paid 15) willetts 118 +1 - Paid 16) Andy James + greedy girl - Paid 17) Paddy78 +1 - Paid 18) Humpy - Paid 19)Munton87 + 1 - Paid 20)Terry06 +1 - Paid 21) kingrob - Paid 22) Keyser - Paid - I'm not missing out on the picnic 23) Rs2oo 24) Swiiftyy 25) Mouthwash Reserve 1) Haydn
  7. Well cant keep anything a secret round here can ya lol. I will take some better pics when the car is clean but here is a little teaser pic. Darren feel free to upload the video or send it to me if you wish. Sorry to hijack your thread, nothing more to see here
  8. Actually just thought it might fit in my garage seeing as the zed dont lmao
  9. Cheers I did work out to be something like £800 but when its only a few quid a week you dont seem to care. Only problem with it is its a little too big to display anywhere in my house as I dont want it to get damaged. Still hopefully it will be worth something one day who knows! Definitely a future collectable. Also I noticed some time ago when I was looking on eBay that you can get display cases for them to stop the dust getting at them. Like below... http://www.ebay.co.u...sd=290837699772 You could always just make one for a lot cheaper though I'm sure. Maybe an old fish tank upside down with some sort of wooden plinth. Edit: @Ricky ~ I'm pretty sure you can buy the complete magazine/parts collection in one go once it's all been released although it's very expensive. Yeah I have seen them too, I already have a base stand which was a extra in the collection, would just need a glass or perspex box to go over it but it still takes up so much room, as i said the car itself is nearly 2 ft and the stand is a good 8 inches bigger all round.
  10. Cheers I did work out to be something like £800 but when its only a few quid a week you dont seem to care. Only problem with it is its a little too big to display anywhere in my house as I dont want it to get damaged. Still hopefully it will be worth something one day who knows!
  11. I collected the all the weekly magazine parts to make the 1/8th scale 007 DB5. The thing is huge nearly 2ft long and weighs around 20lb. It was expensive to make and was a painful wait collecting all the parts but was very rewarding after I finished building it. Started off with a huge pile of parts ended up with this Here is a cool video someone has made showing all the cars features https://www.youtube....h?v=uHkheHmEByw
  12. Many happy returns Daz, hope you have a good one
  13. Go for it, this was mine once upon a time
  14. Have put my name down but may have a prio engadegment will 100% confirm nearer the time 1) AmyZed 2) Grundy 3) Dunks 4) DDay 5) Blaqkaudio 6) Pritchard 7) kite 350 8) Ogman 9) octet 10)Gumpy000 11)glrnet 12)Madmarky
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