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  1. Hi, I had this same issue on cylinder 6, the seal integrated into the rocker cover fails and lets oil into the spark plug chamber. The general consensus seems to be leave it unless it's causing a problem and after 10k since finding this I haven't had any issues. You can get new rocker covers from Alex but having seen the procedure to fit you would want to replace both covers if you decide to get it fixed. Jonny
  2. JB350

    XYZ Pipe??

    Hi Chris, If you haven't already bought your de-cats I have a set of H-Devs I took of my 03 de you can have a play with. I had them with a stillen true duel and whilst the sound was immense I couldn't live with the drone but to be fair the stillen is bleedin' loud on its own. Jonny
  3. Hi Steve, Having a cracking time with the zed especially after a proper blast through the hills outside belfast on Friday night . Everyone has been very impressed with it, just given it a wash to try and keep up your hard work! All the best with the new car, if you ever need a few spare TPMS sensors for it I've got about 8 and half thousand under my desk! Cheers, Jonny
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