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Posts posted by stuarty

  1. Take up a course in mechanics if your gonna get a project car might as well do whatever you can yourself

    I completed the first 2 years of an auto electrician's apprenticeship in 1990-92 until the franchise went bust. Couldn't find another apprenticeship so i had to change jobs. Really enjoyed doing it aswell!

  2. i bought a sony 42" LCD HD about 5 years ago, been really pleased with it.


    but the guy in the shops said not to rule out Plasma as they have come along way, and offer good value for money. i asked what the difference was; in short he said:


    plasma = great for fast action movement

    LCD =more vibrant colours

    Agree mate, ive currently got a philips 42 inch lcd hd ready tv and in bedroom a 42 inch samsung plasma. But i bought my son a 42 inch led LG TV and the led tv's give you best of both worlds.

  3. so if i get this right, you only work 2 days a week?


    I'm a teacher so i have no spare time, i work during the day, i work in the evenings and then i work at the weekends.free time is something i dream of. :lol:

    Yeah mate, i work 12 hours sat and sun. I had knee surgery so i cant train as intensely as i used too. I know it sounds lazy, but if i went back to working mon-fri i would take a 3k a year wage cut! I feel as if I've been semi retired since i was 26 years old'



    hang on if you work more you get paid less you sure your not in teaching :lol:


    are you on the dole? if you get a job they cut your job seekers allowance?

    Lol, if i work mon-fri 9 till 5, i would be paid 37.5 hours as i would have a 30 min lunch break. As i work 12 hours sat and sunday and i get paid time + 50% for sat and time + 100% for sun. Also if i take a weekend off i nearly get 2 weeks off as i dont go back yo work on monday its the following saturday.

    I know it sounds good but I'm really bored.

  4. so if i get this right, you only work 2 days a week?


    I'm a teacher so i have no spare time, i work during the day, i work in the evenings and then i work at the weekends.free time is something i dream of. :lol:

    Yeah mate, i work 12 hours sat and sun. I had knee surgery so i cant train as intensely as i used too. I know it sounds lazy, but if i went back to working mon-fri i would take a 3k a year wage cut! I feel as if I've been semi retired since i was 26 years old'

  5. 12 years ago my employer gave me the opportunity to stop working mon-fri and to work sat and sun instead. They actually now pay me 42 hours instead of 40.

    Anyway, i used the time to train full time in a sport that i have been competing in for years and i also went back to university and studied for a MSc.

    I'm now in the position where i have mon-fri free and i am bored out my nut! I still train 5 days but i now train in the evenings. So i'm looking for ideas of what to do!

  6. Seems an obvious point, but have you actually had a proper look at the picture quality of all three of your options? When I was looking for my current TV I was amazed at how totally different the picture quality could be on two TVs with identical spec sheets, and how some TVs seem to be better at displaying certain source material than others. At the end of the day the primary purpose of your TV is to make pretty moving pictures, not network with your house, so make sure you've had a proper look at the picture quality from the sources you use the most before taking the plunge.



    You've hit the nail on the head, i think what i was trying to say was would i be better buying the better tv or the one with more features!

  7. smart i would be interested in but i think 3D is a passing fad.


    It is but most tvs nowadays come in 3d as its a selling point.


    Smart tv's IMO will be phased out unless they get smarter :lol: Sky, Uview and bt vision etc etc are offering more catchup services inbuilt into their PVR's. I used my uncles smart tv but it was quite clunky.

    Do you think i should just forget about the "smart TV" and "3D" features and buy the slightly larger tv for £170 less? I'm not sure if i would watch 3D as i don't know how good it is, also I've got virgin TiVo box which has got catch up tv etc.

  8. smart i would be interested in but i think 3D is a passing fad.

    The sales man said that if you don't have a smart tv like the one i'm looking at, its not the end of the world as the blue ray player i'm looking at can take a wifi dongle as well which allows your tv to act as a smart tv.

  9. I'm looking to buy either a 50 inch full HD, LED TV or a 47 inch full HD, LED, 3D smart TV with built in wifi.

    The first option is a Panasonic viera at £599 from Currys, the second is either LG or Samsung at £769 from currys. The LG s passive 3D and samsung active 3D.

    I'm not sure if its worth the extra cash to have the smaller TV. Also is it really worth having a 3D smart TV at home?

  10. As Dblock says a lot of those things are no worse now than they were before just more media coverage and less places to hide


    My big hate is social media.... Why do I want to know what you had for breakfast or what your thinking about!

    As i said in my first post Dave, i think it's just because i'm getting older that certain thing are starting to wind me up. Apart fom the obvious things listed that everyone detest.

    By the way I also hate those PPI fol!

  11. Dblock, The reason why I hate the banking system so much is due to the way they govern themselves. They gamble everyday with people's pensions etc and when it all goes wrong those very people have to bail them out.

    You could argue that if the bankers gamble's paid off we would think they were the best thing since sliced bread. The only reason they take the risks that they do is for the large bonuses they receive if they pull it off.

  12. He's looking at the cheapest ones cos it will be a second car but as a first car (excluding your wifes) 10k is a very healthy budget for an 8 series. Or any car nowadays

    TBH, ive had 14 new or newish cars in the last 10 years. It scare's the sh*t out of me when i think about how much ive lost in depreciation. So spending 10k on a car that probably wont depreciate would be a great money saving exercise for me. If i had thought of this before i bought my current car i would have gladly increased my budget to 40k!

  13. I don't want to sound like a pessimist but I'm forever discovering new things that really wind me up. I'm probably just getting old!

    Here's my list.

    1) Pedophiles

    2) Animal cruilty

    3) Junkies

    4) Benefit scroungers

    5) Politicians

    6) The banking system

    7) The EU

    8) The price of Motoring

    9) The way our counrty treats our elderly citizens

    10)The weather in Scotland


    I could probably list my top 50, but i'll keep it to 10!

    Feel free to add your list!




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