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Everything posted by stuarty

  1. Agree, same goes for cars. Thats why i now drive a 2L BMW instead of my old Zed!
  2. Well done Dude, I love to hear stories like that!
  3. I thought most employers paid shift allowances to employee's that work unsociable hours! Think about it, folk that work nights, weekends etc are giving up quality time with there family etc.
  4. Great advice, the sales man in currys asked me how far away from the tv i was viewing it from. I told him and he said "dont" go bigger than 47 inch, 50 inch would be absolute maximum. I thought bigger was better, but when he explained the reasoning, it made sense. So i'm going to buy this today i think. http://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/panasonic-tx-l50em5b-full-hd-50-led-tv-17825818-pdt.html
  5. I studied for 5 years for a MSc in Environmental health. Now with all the local authority cut backs i think it was a waste of time. I'm thinking about applying for graduate status with IOSH and training for chartered status and trying for a career in h+s
  6. Sounds good, I've got that much time i think i'm starting to develop some OCD characteristics, really need to find something to fill my time!
  7. I was also looking at this. http://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/samsung-series-6-ue55es6300-full-hd-55-led-3d-tv-12848043-pdt.html
  8. I'd like to do something to do with cars, thought about learning everything about detailing. If i made some cash in the process then fair enough.
  9. My wife is also in the same situation as myself and she's pulling her hair out with us both being around the house all day, then at work together at weekend!
  10. I'm sure in 3d everything is half the resolution e.g. 1080p is halved because there is 2 pictures? I could be wrong though. I think if its passive 3D the resolution id halved but active 3D its still full 1080p as the glasses flicker open and closed, therefore each eye see's a different image. I might be wrong.
  11. Agree mate, ive currently got a philips 42 inch lcd hd ready tv and in bedroom a 42 inch samsung plasma. But i bought my son a 42 inch led LG TV and the led tv's give you best of both worlds. LED is just the lighting source for a LCD tv. I thought it was totally different technology. The screens are different!
  12. I completed the first 2 years of an auto electrician's apprenticeship in 1990-92 until the franchise went bust. Couldn't find another apprenticeship so i had to change jobs. Really enjoyed doing it aswell!
  13. Agree mate, ive currently got a philips 42 inch lcd hd ready tv and in bedroom a 42 inch samsung plasma. But i bought my son a 42 inch led LG TV and the led tv's give you best of both worlds.
  14. Yeah mate, i work 12 hours sat and sun. I had knee surgery so i cant train as intensely as i used too. I know it sounds lazy, but if i went back to working mon-fri i would take a 3k a year wage cut! I feel as if I've been semi retired since i was 26 years old' hang on if you work more you get paid less you sure your not in teaching are you on the dole? if you get a job they cut your job seekers allowance? Lol, if i work mon-fri 9 till 5, i would be paid 37.5 hours as i would have a 30 min lunch break. As i work 12 hours sat and sunday and i get paid time + 50% for sat and time + 100% for sun. Also if i take a weekend off i nearly get 2 weeks off as i dont go back yo work on monday its the following saturday. I know it sounds good but I'm really bored.
  15. Sorry i work 12 hours sat and sun but get paid 42 hours.
  16. Yeah mate, i work 12 hours sat and sun. I had knee surgery so i cant train as intensely as i used too. I know it sounds lazy, but if i went back to working mon-fri i would take a 3k a year wage cut! I feel as if I've been semi retired since i was 26 years old'
  17. 12 years ago my employer gave me the opportunity to stop working mon-fri and to work sat and sun instead. They actually now pay me 42 hours instead of 40. Anyway, i used the time to train full time in a sport that i have been competing in for years and i also went back to university and studied for a MSc. I'm now in the position where i have mon-fri free and i am bored out my nut! I still train 5 days but i now train in the evenings. So i'm looking for ideas of what to do!
  18. You've hit the nail on the head, i think what i was trying to say was would i be better buying the better tv or the one with more features!
  19. It is but most tvs nowadays come in 3d as its a selling point. Smart tv's IMO will be phased out unless they get smarter Sky, Uview and bt vision etc etc are offering more catchup services inbuilt into their PVR's. I used my uncles smart tv but it was quite clunky. Do you think i should just forget about the "smart TV" and "3D" features and buy the slightly larger tv for £170 less? I'm not sure if i would watch 3D as i don't know how good it is, also I've got virgin TiVo box which has got catch up tv etc.
  20. I once ad a "full" 350z interior, 2 fully grown adults, 2 suitcases and a dog in mine!
  21. The sales man said that if you don't have a smart tv like the one i'm looking at, its not the end of the world as the blue ray player i'm looking at can take a wifi dongle as well which allows your tv to act as a smart tv.
  22. I'm looking to buy either a 50 inch full HD, LED TV or a 47 inch full HD, LED, 3D smart TV with built in wifi. The first option is a Panasonic viera at £599 from Currys, the second is either LG or Samsung at £769 from currys. The LG s passive 3D and samsung active 3D. I'm not sure if its worth the extra cash to have the smaller TV. Also is it really worth having a 3D smart TV at home?
  23. No offence, but surely it would be just as quick getting a bucket of hot soapy water and a wash mit and just washing the car then another bucket of clean water and rinsing it?
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