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Everything posted by stuarty

  1. Where is Neily BTW?! roiding it up i suspect Hoy, Neil is a good gym Buddy of mine!
  2. Too true, our undergraduate degree's take four years, where as in Engerland it's only 3!
  3. you mean deep fried mars bar surely No, Morris Dancers, deep fried, oh I do like a deep fried Englander good job I'm welsh then I like the Welsh!
  4. Does that include The Queen, Margaret Thatcher, David Jason, Nigel Lawson, Stuart Hall, Gary Glitter, Pete Townsend, or is the pensioner list selective Honestly, I'm proud of ALL our pensioners in the UK, they and the one's before made Great Britain great. Pity the generation in charge at present are throwing it all away! Edt, no sure about that Glitter Dude though!
  5. Statistically, there's 27 English students studying in Scotland for every 1 Scottish students studying in Engerland! Just saying.
  6. You want me to start going on about our North Sea oil! Lol. what do you mean..."your" north sea oil? you lot just drill it for us, See if us Scots had independence 25 years ago, we would have been the Dubai of the north!
  7. It's not the first time you've tried pointing something at me and the answer is still NO! Knew it, Only in Engerland!
  8. You want me to start going on about our North Sea oil! Lol.
  9. I'll tell you why I won't be voting for independence will I? It's bad enough watching all those tv ad's asking for my hard earned cash to help Africans, never mind having to watch more of them asking to help the English!
  10. Ok then, I blame the joiners! Sorry English joiners!
  11. I don't know much about politics, but I think the reason why we get all these freebies, like uni tuition fees, prescriptions, eye exams, dental check up's etc is so we all think the country is doing well under SNP and we will all vote for independence next year. and they get the english to pay for it. genius I'm not bitting tonight!
  12. Your probably half right mate. I think I'm frustrated! Just chill dude. No one can be as frustrated as I am. My problem is I've got all this talent and can't be arsed using it!
  13. I have 3x Samsung galaxy s3 on the same bill. I get unlimited minutes, unlimited text and 1gb data on each phone for a total of £58 per month.
  14. Your probably half right mate. I think I'm frustrated!
  15. As I've already mentioned I've got a Samsung galaxy s3 but TBH I probably use about 2% of what it's capable of. I always spend ages researching phones, tv's, tablets and cars and end up buying the best on the market at the time. Then all I do is use it for the basic functions. I must be a salesman's wet dream lol. From now on I'm going basic!
  16. I've got the galaxy s3 and its great. I don't even bother with my digital camera any more, the camera on it is that good. Great hd screen too!
  17. I don't know much about politics, but I think the reason why we get all these freebies, like uni tuition fees, prescriptions, eye exams, dental check up's etc is so we all think the country is doing well under SNP and we will all vote for independence next year.
  18. Oh boy are we going to have fun on here tonight then... I had the same knock back in November. I normally send them away as, like you, I'm not on benefits so I don't qualify either. This time I listened, and long story short I managed to get all my loft insulation re-done and all my cavity walls filled, for free! Basically they've run out of people on benefits to give this too, so they're now offering it to everyone as they've still got the funds from government to spend. On top of this, because I've now had this done when they come round with free boilers I automatically qualify for that too! I think this country is ace. People like me who work their arse off get free stuff. Love it. I think the energy suppliers had to insulate x amount of houses or they received penalties. In the end it was more cost effective to insulate anyone's house rather that pay the penalties.
  19. Yeah I'm near Glasgow, after I told the guy that know one in my house received any benefits, he didn't want to know. So I'm not sure exactly what they pay. But he did start with "if you are in receipt of any of the following benefits..... And you own your home and your boiler is over 5 years old the government will pay to replace your boiler or free.
  20. Nice car and I know the garage you bought it from, really helpful!
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