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Everything posted by stuarty

  1. Ok, i'm looking for another Zed. It has to be from a dealer, so i can trade in my new BMW. http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201303045594189/sort/default/usedcars/model/350_z/make/nissan/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/postcode/ml28bz/page/1/radius/30/quicksearch/true?logcode=p Servicing was done at Parks at 14000 miles in 2010 and 24000 in 2012. Rays need a refurb, slight wear on drivers seat and a slight ding on passengers door and some light scratches on drivers door handle. http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201302115280076/sort/default/usedcars/model/350_z/make/nissan/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/postcode/ml28bz/page/1/radius/30/quicksearch/true?logcode=p Still waiting on service history info, but a really low mileage!
  2. Ideal, how long do ou have to subscribe?
  3. Yeah mate, good to met you. That's the seed planted for me to buy another Zed after spotting yours!
  4. Up hear in Glasgow, 7*C is summer, so i'm glad i don't have a roadster! Lol.
  5. Might be a stupid question, but what is the advantage of taking the 6 month subscription @£105 over payg @£15? Looks tempting, could build up a really good collection of stuff and would encourage me to detail my car more often!!
  6. New series of 5th gear also starts on monday!
  7. Yeah mate, could you ask him if its possible to gain employment wih grad iosh status or does employers only look for cm iosh status, that would help alot.
  8. I'm a qualified EHO, but not practiced for years. I'm qualified to work in health and safety enforcement within local government. I've been thinking about studying for another degree in H+S. I could then apply for grad IOSH status and after completing relevant on the job training I would be awarded chartered IOSH status. It's only an idea at present but i would like to gain employment as a health and safety advisor in the oil and gas field.
  9. Yip totally agree, i been doing "contact sports" all my life and what ive always noticed is how aware thai boxers, boxers,TKD fighters etc are of bad situations. Ive walked away from loads of bad situations, where most folk would just feel totally threatened and kick off. I suppose when your training everyday against guys at the top of there game, you are used to the pressure and dont react the same way. Ive got a rule in life and its as follows. Ive got a fence around my whole house and everything inside that fence, including people and pets belong to me, f#*ck with any of the contents inside that fence and you will be fighting, for sure. That also extends to contents away from home! Apart from that folk can do what they want, as far as i'm concerned.
  10. Agree! A few years ago a guy tried to kick my dog when she was a pup, what a shock he got when i returned the favour to the side of his head and thats my family pet!
  11. Nope, but don't need to to understand the emotions involved. I've met you, you're a decent human being, not an utter psychopath. You probably would go mental at them and batter them with whatever you had to hand in the heat of the moment, but that's it. No way would you: Stalk them for a week to learn their movements Hatch a plan to kidnap them Find a secluded place to take them to Kidnap them Tie them up securely Keep them conscious Pick a selection of tools with which to do nasty things (use your imagination here!) Carry out the acts Keep the suffering going for as long as possible No chance, because you're not insane. That's a good thing mate, and I don't believe anyone on here would be capable of any of that either, regardless of posturing. Instant anger yes, but calculated revenge? Nope, not buying it, Ive only got one son and trust me i could do the above!! After all, the rest of my life would be hell anyway.
  12. Just competing with BMW's X1, which is horrible!
  13. My car http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/64893-my-new-car/ Z4 http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201211284425899/sort/default/usedcars/colour/white/model/z4/make/bmw/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/postcode/ml28bz/page/5/radius/1501/advert-type/standard-listing?logcode=ucnnp http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201302015145614/sort/default/usedcars/colour/red/model/z4/make/bmw/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/radius/1501/postcode/ml28bz/page/4/advert-type/standard-listing?logcode=ucbnp Not sure if i prefer the white or red. Those cars are just examples i would be having black leather.
  14. I'm still undecided. I'll take the wife for a look on monday, see what she thinks. Spec wise it cant touch my e92 though and i think my e92 might look better, but i would like a turbo again and a 2 seater and wouldnt mind a hardtop convertible if i'm honest!
  15. Did you drop the roof then? Was there any difference? And it was a joke, hence the smiley. Chill out, big fella! Although if you can't be arsed to spell correctly, then I can't be arsed to stop correcting you. I took it for a test drive, roof up. Then parked up and put the roof down, i think the main thing was that i was sitting literally over the back axle. From the drivers seat back there was not a lot of car, but loads of car in front, if you know what i mean? Unloke the zed where you sit pretty much mid car.
  16. Glad your back mate, ive been getting bullied on here!
  17. Lol, i only remember because the engineer put a sticker on my boiler stating how long the chemical they put in the system would last.
  18. So if i paid £10k labour and it lasted 10 years, would that also be good value too?
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