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Everything posted by stuarty

  1. I'm close to putting a deposit on a 2009 (58 plate) 350Z GT. the cr is an approved nissan used car with 1 year warrenty, 1 year breakdown cover etc. The problem is that ive just found out over the phone that its not a 313. Its a 300 bhp model. Dealer said it lay around unregistered for ages before the last owner bought it. Also it dosent have satnav. Can anyone tell me if this is the norm?
  2. Anyone know what time the bus comes? Ive just had my dinner! I'm going to gym. Night folks!
  3. Keep it mate, i really regret selling my Zed. Thats why im buying another! Would you like to buy it back Stuart ;-) I'm trying to buy a 313 from a dealer, so i can trade in my BMW. If it dosent work out i might think about it!
  4. Keep it mate, i really regret selling my Zed. Thats why im buying another!
  5. Not bought one yet, but getting there. It would be easier if i kept my current car but if i can trade it in i will!
  6. Great job, i'd love to learn how to use a buff!
  7. stuarty

    Bum Clench...

    Aye, and I've spent the last 2 days enquiring about another Zed at dealerships up and down the UK because of you! When i break the bad news to my wife i'm blaming it on you and your bloody car, lol!
  8. Cheers, i nearly bought a 2007 300bhp yesterday for £11995, but felt it was worth the extra £500 for the HR.
  9. Well said mate, everyone can learn something from anyone!
  10. I enquired about 7 different zed's today 313 GT's and all had sold in the last day or two. I'm trying to negotiate a deal on one just now. A 2009 (58 plate) 313 GT, 27000 miles, full nissan service history, £12500 ono Hope it all works out!
  11. I think us Scots get our insurance so cheap, as a thank you for giving the world so much!!
  12. When i had my zed there was a guy that lived in my street that kept saying with a really, really bad stutter "is that a J J J James Bond car"? Also "You need a t t t t t t tuxedo to drive that car"! One really cold day i was washing my car and the water froze on the pathway outside my driveway, i was just about to put some rock salt down when i spotted him approaching. I walked into my garage and when i came out he was lying in the fetal position across my drive way. I couldn't help him up for laughing!
  13. Code for sale £2!! Lol. Only joking.
  14. I'll have a code please, hopefully i'm one of the lucky 25!
  15. Thanks alex, so am i right in saying it's the same engine as the 313 but with slightly less power?
  16. I'm looking for advice regarding the 300 bhp engine fitted to a 2007 (07) zed. I had a 54 plate with the 276 bhp engine and i know about the 313, but whats the difference between these and the 300 bhp?
  17. Believe it or not i got an additional 20% discount because ive got pet insurance with them and if i also insure the wife's car i get a multicar discount. At this rate they'll be paying me, lol!
  18. So ive been looking for another zed. I did a quote for both cars that ive been looking at, one of which has been sold. Anyway i got a quote from more than today. I'm 38, 10 years + ncb, cars garaged at night and i wanted cover for 8000 miles per year. £246!!! It had a totall excess of £600 though, but i thought it was a great price!
  19. I was going to see the black coupe tomorrow morning, but it's just sold!!!!!
  20. I think the freebies should be given to the members who commited to the group buy first!!!!!
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