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Everything posted by stuarty

  1. Honestly guys, if anyone can think of a reason for not approaching things from this angle, please tell me. I'll list my reasons and see what you think! 1)I like my Beemer but its a lot of cash sitting in my garage not getting used, dropping by around £300 per month. 2) this used Beemer has a bit of poke and someone else has paid for most of the depreciation. 3) i would like a nice everyday car and not a shed. 4) i want a 313HR to keep for ever and only use now and again 5) if i got a nice 313 for 10k, i would have 2 cars valued around £20k that shouldn't depreciate much in next few year, unlike my current car which would lose around £10k 6) i would have around £3k back in the bank. 7) i hate the number 6, so i made this lucky 7, lol.
  2. If i could buy another zed without getting ass raped with my trade in price i would, trust me. The best i could get was around 18k against a well priced 313 hr. As i'm getting 22.5k trade in against this bmw, i technically getting it for £6500 not £10500. I know its a long way round but i will probably need an everyday car anyway.
  3. I know! Problem is i have so much money tied up in this new BMW. But i'm getting nearly all my money back as a trade in if i buy the used one above. I would then buy a zed and if i wanted to sell the beemer it would be easier to shift than a new one. But i like the thought of having an everyday car ( beemer) and a really nice zed just for special occassions. I could buy this beemer and a mint 313 and have change for what my current car cost. I know it sounds bizzare but i think i would also have more assets this way!
  4. Sorry, i don't understand why the link doesn't work but i'm on it! http://www.approved.bmw.co.uk/bmwuk/bmwauc/details/0,,1156___ask-8%40adm-xx,00.html?ch=_V0JBV0IzMjAyMFAwNjk2NDk=&btp=1x24-price_ASC|list
  5. Long story short, lol. I traded my zed for a new BMW saloon in Jan 2011. I didnt like the saloon so in october i bought a 320i sport plus edition coupe ( top of the range). I missed the power of the zed but love the way my Beemer looks and drives great. The list price for my car was around £32k, but i bought it brand new with a bmw discount of over £8k. My car is only 5 months old and has 1100 miles on it. I tried trading it in for another zed but i was offered anywhere between £18k and £21k. The higher amount was from nissan against a very, very over priced Zed! I also enquired about a z4 sdrive and was offered £21k as a trade in. Please bear with me, lol. I found this car today and its really, really nice. http://www.harryfairbairnirvinebmw.co.uk/approved-used-bmw/ Ive been offered £22500 trade in for my car against it and it comes with the following. 1 years full BMW warranty and roadside assistance and 1 years mot and tax. The car has got 17 inch wheels in the picture but they are the winter wheels. The owner also supplied a set of 19 inch bmw wheels with it!!!! The car is priced well i think but i'm getting a great trade in price and ive only lost between £800 and £1000 on my new bmw!!!! This also means i will be able to use this car everyday and buy a really nice zed privately. What everyone think??
  6. Sorry mate! TBH, i could probably buy whatever i wanted just now within reason, including a 370Z. But there's something about the 350Z i really miss!
  7. Yeah, some poor fool will go in to that dealership blind and think there getting a 2009 350z gt with low miles, not knowing about the different models!
  8. I'd be more concerned its been handling someone else's todger Aye or wiping someone else's arse!, lol.
  9. Not if you get his teeth as well. Good point. The surgeon actually considered giving a woman a mans hand! I think i might be ok getting a womens hand though.
  10. My opinion is that if your willing to accept a donated organ, you should be on the donor register. BUT, i dont think i could ever receive a hand transplantation, like the dude on TV last week. Weid, bitting someone else's nails, lol.
  11. If you need a car asap, i would buy a runabout until you find a good zed!
  12. Well said! If someone wants to make a copy of something and offer it at a reasonable price then imo thats fine. Folk dont have to buy it, they can always buy originals.
  13. Both look great. I had my oem wheels powdercoated a light anthracite colour and it looked great. Depends what your looking for, if its bling then the first colour and if its class then the anthracite!!
  14. I think the lip in CF with CF side skirts and CF wing mirrors would look Ace on a gunmetal!!!!
  15. Your no pretty enough to be Scottish!! If its the hybrid SN wax/sealer then i wouldn't use heat. If it's just SN wax it should be ok. I wouldn't use the microwave though. I would place it in some hot water.
  16. I always cleanse between polish and wax. It only takes a few minutes and as AG SRP has fillers in it, the cleanser removes the excess!!
  17. The AG HD cleanser is designed for use just before the HD wax. Ive used it and its really good. I used iron x, then, AG clay kit, AG SRP, AG cleanser then AG HD wax. I also use the aqua wax in between waxes. I tried the dodo juice stuff and hated it, especially the red mist detailer spray found it really greasy!!
  18. When i get my 350z 313 i would defo buy one of these in CF and if i could get a subtile set of side skirts to match in CF i would have them too. Havent bought another zed yet and i'm already thinking about mod's, lol!
  19. Thanks for all the great advice as usual guys! I'm just going to call the dealer and tell them to forget it. I went and viewed this car earlier in rutherglen glasgow, really nice but not a GT. http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201302205427848/sort/default/usedcars/model/350_z/make/nissan/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/postcode/ml28bz/radius/20/quicksearch/true/page/1?logcode=p If it had been a GT it would have been perfect! Think i'll wait for a similar car but a GT to come up. I also went and had a test drive in a brand new LCI Z4 sdrive28i. I could hardly get in it, my shoulders were toughing my wife's. i put the roof down drove 20m, stopped and put it back up. Felt like a big poof! No offence to any gay members!
  20. Do you think its to expensive or somethings wrong with the car?
  21. I called the sales manager to ask if the car had been an irish import. He said the car had been supplied by them when it was new. The cars azure blue coupe, GT model, rays, 27000 miles, full nissan service history, one owner, one years nissan warrenty and breakdown cover and six months road tax. £12500 before any price reduction is negotiated. What does folk think of the price. I thought it was ok, maybe a bit cheap for a 313 but average for a 300 bhp?
  22. Thanks mate. The cars average price, but there giving me £1500 less for my new BMW than what i paid for it as a trade in!
  23. The megs tyre shin, cant remember its exact name, is great. Its purble by the way!
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