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Everything posted by stuarty

  1. I pay over £700 for a 2 bed wee shity flat Luckily I earn about the same as the entire population of Dundee That's about £70 a week then!
  2. By the sounds of things these letting agents are worse than SOME tradesmen!! If thats posible!
  3. I'm hoping to go to Galway later in the year to catch up with an old friend. I love the Irish. Apart fom us Scots there the best tribe on the planet!
  4. If he comes home smelling of fish then your ok!
  5. Tell them to stick there form up there arse! When i read things like this it makes my blood boil. Don't take it the wrong way, but folk who stay in the south England or London really do get shafted with everything. When i talk to friends from down there and they tell me how much things cost i cant believe it. I know salaries are better but i know folk paying £700+ per month for rent alone! I could probably rent a castle up here in Scotland for the price of one of they wee shity flats folk exist in, in London. Sorry about the rant!
  6. Ive got the s3, great bit of kit. I changed my ipad to the samsung galaxy tablet and hated it. Ended up buying another ipad. Moral of the story is, try it out first, because you like one apple/samsung device dosent mean you'll like another!
  7. Update 7 am on sunday morning £43! Prices are around £39 every week day.
  8. Good idea. Although not sure what I hate more domestic flights or ferries! Euggh. Cheapest I could find was £112 return although it will be that plus another single bringing a car back. Need to see how much flights are aswell. Just checked easy jet there for you. Glasgow to belfast one way next wednesday £39! I think midweek flights are cheapest.
  9. Yip, really helpful place to be!
  10. I think my neighbours must think i'm a drug dealer with all the cars I've had, especially the Zed! Non petrol heads simple assume they cost a fortune.
  11. I think you also enjoy the "shopping" experience Lol, actually hate it, but i think a few days is worth having the car you want. My problem is i cant keep my big mouth shut and i'm constantly looking for approval that i'm doing the correct thing. Best just to get on with it and tell folk when its a done deal!
  12. Folk ask me why i buy sports cars when i hardly use them. The honest answer is that i feel as if i have a limb missing when i dont have one. Also i loved it when folk would say " you get how many mpg, whats the point in that". Lol.
  13. Wheels look awesome. I love the rays, best wheels for a zed imo! I hate black wheels, makes the car look like the wheels are missing from a distance!
  14. Yeah but the thing is, i might not bother with a zed anymore. Might just keep the Z4 for a while. And yip, i'm really happy with it! Also got most of my money back for the 320i, so i only need to worry about the used Z4 depreciation rather than a new 320i. Also with most of my money back in the bank i getting a little intrest.
  15. Yeah i test drove a brand new alpine white z4, and yeah i felt a bit uncomfortable, especially how bling it looked, lol. But it the old shape ive bought and in carbon black, so not so stand outish. Also the car feels bigger inside for some reason.
  16. Really nice looking Zed, hope it turns out a nice car!
  17. When we bought our Z4 fully loaded in Jan 2009 it had been pre registered by the dealer and we paid 19k for it. They had a showroom full of Z4's (well 5 actually) that they'd pre registered, the dealers were going through a bad time and had to buy their own cars to meet the targets set by BMW. They had 2 of the 2.5's both in black for 22.5k , fully loaded but after a 5 minute think we went for the 2.0. Not bad cars at all but watch out for excessive corrosion on the alloys especially on the inner rim, our was peeling off in chunks after 18 months. Pete Thanks for the advice, i'll look out for it. Meant to say my car is not the new model Z4 which was realised in 2009. It's the last of the old shape! Did you enjoy the car?
  18. Here's my current car mate! http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/64893-my-new-car/ Here's the car i was going to buy! http://www.approved.bmw.co.uk/bmwuk/bmwauc/details/0,,1156___ask-8%40adm-xx,00.html?ch=_V0JBV0IzMjAyMFAwNjk2NDk=&btp=1x24-price_ASC%7Clist And i'll get some photo's up of the Z4 on mon or tues when i get it.
  19. Lol, no defo bought the Z4, just feel bad that one branch has to break the news to the other, the 325i was from irvine, not far from you mate. Ive just realised i phoned you for your zed i think, just before i bought mine around march 2011!
  20. I wish mate, i could really do without the hastle. I bought the 320i saloon in jan 2011, hated the four door. Bought my wife the mini and spotted the 320i coupe when i was picking up the mini, so i bought it. Loved the car but with the 4 series coming soon i started to panic. So finally i traded it and bought the Z4 that some one else has lost a fortune on. I'm honestly really happy and i will sleep like a baby tonight, lol.
  21. Thanks mate, my current car is fully loaded and a great drive, but a wee bit under powered. I paid a fortune for it and i was looking at losing £££ over the next few years in depreciation, whih would be ok if i used it alot. I ended up losing £1500 in depreciation on a new car, so im happy. Now, are you sure this time? Lol, after i bought the 325i i was a bit gutted but glad i was getting my money back nearly on the new one. After seeing the Z4, i thought i'll never get the same deal but i did, apart from the Z4 being an extra £1200. But got te same trade in price!
  22. Thanks mate, my current car is fully loaded and a great drive, but a wee bit under powered. I paid a fortune for it and i was looking at losing £££ over the next few years in depreciation, whih would be ok if i used it alot. I ended up losing £1500 in depreciation on a new car, so im happy.
  23. I posted a few days ago about trading my new 320i in as i hardly use it. I tried for a zed but in the end the trade in for my car was killing me. Anyway i decided to buy a used 325i which was nice enough and reasonable priced. But giving that bmw was giving me £3k trade in more than anyone else, the 325i was really cheap. BUT, i still wasnt happy with it , but i was saving a fortune. I was in another branch of bmw, but same company and they had an absolute mint 2009 bmw Z4 2.5i sport, carbon black, black leather, m sport suspension upgrade, steering wheel and alloys. 22000 miles, fbmw service history and a years bmw warranty and breakdown cover. They transferred my deposit to the Z4 and did exactly te same deal! I know its not another Zed, but i'm really, really happy!
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