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Everything posted by stuarty

  1. Yeah and thats why your comments are appreciated. So you made your mind up yet?
  2. Yeah but your mum decided to come here, work and contribute to the country, so she is entitled to the same as me.
  3. What i'm thinking is:- she left for a better life, contributed to that country, never gave the UK a second thought. Never returned in nearly 70 years and then returns to a life as if she had earned it all her life.
  4. One of my neighbours is a elderly lady around 85 years old, who left the UK when she was 7 years old and moved to Zimbabwe. She had a great life out there by the sounds of it and had been retired for about 15 years. Then one day due to the troubles she was giving the ultimatum to leave the country or die! Anyway she lost everything, land, home, pension etc. she returned to the UK, she was giving a really nice council house and a full pension and all the usual NHS entitlement. She's no worse off than my grandparents who have worked all there life and contributed to the country. Also they always wanted a council house in the area that the old lady stays but never got one. Whats everyone's thoughts?
  5. If it don't move it's getting powder coated! Lol.
  6. Those rays with that finish is perfect tor a gunmetal Zed. If i ever get another zed that would be my first mod!
  7. If my memory is correct was zmanalex not selling new rays for around £600 just over a year ago?
  8. I had my old Zed oem wheels powder coated in anthracite and it only cost me £180. Really good job done aswell! Custom coatings in bellshill scotland! http://www.customcoatingsuk.com/
  9. Never park under a street light because the first thing a bird does when it takes off is sh*t!
  10. You think the car had a cold? Lol. No but i remember reading somewhere that air con units in cars can release contaminants back into the car if the air con is not serviced properly.
  11. Sorry to hear that mate, hope you get it good as new. I always park far enough away and always park in an end space, that way it half's the risk as only one car could park next to you. But if its going to happen it will.
  12. If i start a conversation with a dumb ass, that leads to an argument, i usually just say "sorry my mistake"! Absolutely no point in taking the argument any further as they just don't get it!
  13. Bizarrely, all but one of the service advisors where girls!
  14. Is it a good idea to have the air con serviced if you've just bought a used car. I bought a used car last week, not really used the air con but i was at doctors today and I've got a throat infection. Am i being paranoid because i very rarely get ill.
  15. I bought a used Z4 last week. Really like it. Discovered 3 small problems, bumper had a smart repair carried out at BMW last year by previous owner and it was really poor quality, tracking was out slightly and as they fitted 4 brand new bridgestone runfats i didnt want to risk uneven wear and finally there was a small clip missing from the soft top hing. I contacted Harry fairbairn BMW in giffnock where i bought the car and had it booked in. Dropped it off at 8 am this morning, had a nice cup of coffee and a scone and left with a brand new BMW 116i m sport, twin scroll turbo, fully loaded. Got a phone call around 3pm to tell me my car was ready. On arrival another cup of coffee and service advisor said sales had agreed to foot the bill for the tracking, missing clip and there going to paint my full front bumper in there own bodyshop, result! Anyway got my car booked in for the work and when they brought my car round to me, it had received a mini valet, all fluids topped up including oil, tyre pressures and wipers checked and a nice air freshener. Quite a good service i think. Also they said if i dont need a courtesy car next week they will pick my car up and drop it back to me.
  16. Ive just bought a Z4, BMW charge £25 for there stubby which doesn't get good reviews. I was going to order a mangowalk stubby but ended up taking some advice and ordered a Citroen/ pug stubby for £5.95. Its meant to be perfect fit!
  17. Oh well, maybe get a wee extra in our delivery. My Z4's going back to BMW tomorrow to get front splitter painted. There was a few stone chips on it that they had a "smart repair" carried out. I'm not happy with it so there going to paint it in there body shop. It's booked into clyde valley detailing for a full correction detail next week so hope i get it back asap.
  18. Did everyone get a welcome gift? I didnt!
  19. I would take it to a nissan dealer under warranty, then if the problem persists after your warranty expires next month it will give you a better chance of getting any future problems fixed free or at a reduced rate!
  20. I had an astra vxr with keyless entry and start. I remember getting a yellow key ilght on no and again especially if i exited the car with the key in my pocket with the car running. Then when i got back in the light would be on. Never came to anything!
  21. Thats what i love about this forum, 2 bumpers, good condition and only £120!!! Cant even fill your car up for that nowadays! GLWTS.
  22. Really depends on the car. BMW's defo alpine white. VXR's arden blue, 911 black, Audi white etc etc!
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