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Everything posted by stuarty

  1. Someone been tinkering with it then because the 335i is twin scrol turbo's i'm sure
  2. Great car. Awesome in m sport or sport plus. Spend a few quid on a remap and zorst ant it's e92 M3 quick!
  3. There's a fat ride of a man stays next to me that goes into the chippy and gets a pizza base filled with kebab meat and cheese, then folded dipped in batter and deep fried. They sell it in a shoe box! Greedy fat c**t!
  4. Pizza is now warm to cold. On the last slice. Could still eat more. Second can of coke zero started. Just to balance things out. Hot dog is boring. Gimmick really. Cheese stuffed crust from pizza hut is better. Glad you had a coke zero, wouldn't want you to over do it! Lol.
  5. stuarty


    Defo done over a million jab's and roundhouse kicks. I did 1200 in an hour for charity a few years ago!
  6. stuarty


    Thats exactly what i was going to say mate!
  7. Hi mate, i'm looking for a stubby for my Z4. I got told this is a good one can you supply these in 3 inch? http://www.mangowalk.com/index.php?category=Car%20Accessories&subcategory=Rubber%20Antennas
  8. The gift packs are the full products and quite random - for instance, I got a full bottle of Nanolox whereas Stuarty got Dodo Supernatural. The actual normal waxybox all but one product is the same for all - there is usually one 'random' product in there too... Sorry mate, i was at the wind up, I got the same as everyone else. I was waiting on someone taking the bait! Lol. Haha I had to laugh at this, genius! I genuinely believed you to. On a serious note this is an amazing idea, sorry if I missed it but how much is this costing a month at the moment? It's usually £15 per month plus pp, but with a forum code its £10 plus pp. for £10 per month its a great deal. It lets you try stuff you usually wouldnt try. Also this month i more or less received everything i needed to give my car a mini detail.
  9. The gift packs are the full products and quite random - for instance, I got a full bottle of Nanolox whereas Stuarty got Dodo Supernatural. The actual normal waxybox all but one product is the same for all - there is usually one 'random' product in there too... Sorry mate, i was at the wind up, I got the same as everyone else. I was waiting on someone taking the bait! Lol.
  10. I thought the tub of wax was going to be a sample pot, really surprised it was a full pot of dodo juice super natural and the wash mit alone must cost around £15! The tyre gel is great also.
  11. The glass cleaner was the best product imo. The quick detailer was ok but not as good as auto glym aqua wax.
  12. Yep got mine today and i have used it all except the clay bar and lube already, lol.
  13. Lol. I dont understand why these programmes insist on finding a body in a certain position, then make an re-enactment of there life right down to how long there noise was, simply by how they were found dead. One victim apparently went for a loaf of bread just before the second volcanic blast. How do they know this sh*t?
  14. Thanks for the reply's guy's! I think i have made my mind up.
  15. BTW always loved your avatar, but doesn't work on the new forum! I spent about an hour watching it over and over when i first saw it! Here's a memory refresher then.... Please tell me you know her! Google Jayden James, 1000% NSFW Oofft!!
  16. BTW always loved your avatar, but doesn't work on the new forum! I spent about an hour watching it over and over when i first saw it! Here's a memory refresher then.... Please tell me you know her!
  17. Its been like this for a good while though even when it was warmer. Bang goes that theory then, lol.
  18. BTW always loved your avatar, but doesn't work on the new forum! I spent about an hour watching it over and over when i first saw it!
  19. The land of the brave! I truly love my country by the way. If we had a bit more sun and less rain it would be perfect!
  20. Watching a programme on tv about the demise of Pompeii. Bunch of boffins comenting on how the citizens died. One top Scientist said that the victim had died of exposure to extreme heat because they died with there arms raised in front of there face. Another victim was a mule man or something like that because his remains were discovered beside a mule WTF! C'mon BBC!
  21. Uniroyals are a good tyre especially in the wet!
  22. Doesn't help that she's a really cool old bird. Always got a good story to tell me. Slightly more interesting than the usual folk. I chapped her door during the heavy snow fall to see if she needed anything at the supermarket, she really appreciated the gesture!
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