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Everything posted by stuarty

  1. Intresting read! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-20042070
  2. Further down the page i found this http://www.pistonheads.com/classifieds/used-cars/nissan/370z/nissan-370z-gt-manual-read-this/1255837
  3. http://www.pistonheads.com/classifieds/used-cars/nissan/370z/nissan-370z-gt-pack-special-offer-deal-read-this/1267261
  4. I drove from reading to near glasgow on a full tank, when i bough my zed!
  5. Enjoy the trip. You might need a Visa next year, lol!
  6. I think rays painted Brembo orange would look cool on your car!
  7. GLWTS, really like that splitter!
  8. Insured both my Z4 and wife's mini cooper with Churchill insurance last week. Got my policies today and noticed i had business cover?? Phoned them and its a no charge upgrade over commuting. I dont need it but good to have i suppose. I also told them today that i fitted a set of JCW replica alloys to the wife's mini and there was no charge, happy days! Might phone them tomorrow and tell them i'm fitting a stubby to the Z4 to see what they say, lol!
  9. Yeah the quicker you do that the better! That rash doesn't look too good and it shouldn't feel like you're shooting out fire when you pee. Oh and one last thing, that's definitely not a mole on your right cheek! How do you know about the mole on his right cheek BBK???
  10. Actually, ive changed my mind to The Dalai Lama! The end.
  11. Haha, i posted this after a few beers! 44 posts till i hit 1000, lol.
  12. I enjoy playing the role of someone getting punched and kicked about the head and body several times a week! I also quite like a bit of role reversal, in fact i prefer it if i'm totally honest!
  13. In an old car when it was icy and i put the demister on two handprints showed up on the rear screen and a footprint on the windscreen, I could have cleaned them off but it kept bringing back happy memories Brilliant, lol! I once bought a car that had a bite mark on the rear headrest, still think about it now and again!
  14. That gear knob and boot reminds me of a baboon's genitalia that i witnessed on holiday last year!!
  15. A friend of mine run's this place in Glasgow. http://www.roycegraciescotland.com/ He has Royce over at least one or two times a year for seminar/ gradings etc. He had Rickson Gracie for a seminar last year. I was absolutely sick that i missed it!! http://www.roycegraciescotland.com/news/ BTW if you have a Gi i could get you a ticket to the next seminar!
  16. Remove the boot divider! Easy! Watch out for heel marks on your head rests though!
  17. I think i could help you out there! I know someone who's probably a 50/50 mix of both!
  18. Mean't to say in my post, Royce Gracie! And it's happening real soon!!
  19. If you could spend one day with anyone, who would it be? Dead or alive, but no porn star's aloud!!
  20. You are comparing one of the worst torque steering cars with a crap chassis to the Scirocco R which from the motoring press has a brilliant chassis and has no problem coping with the power. Steve sutcliffe from autocar actually says it could handle more power. The S3 is a nice car, my brother has one but to me looks dull. Also the prices of used S-tronic S3's are still high. I spent alot of cash having a LSD fitted to my VXR and it was still pretty useless. The S3 residuals are high for a reason! Everyone has there own preference mate, that's just my 2p worth. What about a 130i m sport?
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