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Everything posted by stuarty

  1. I'm nearly at 1000! I think my "Tradesmen" thread helped!
  2. Glad your knobs looking a lot better, nothing worse than a scabby knob!
  3. How come my post count isn't increasing?
  4. I forgot that when i picked up the Z4 the petrol light was on andi only had 25 miles to empty!!
  5. BTW, because i've really only ever bought new and changed cars alot ive never really had many experiences og dealership service departments. But when i had my 350Z i took it to Mark at the garage who did everything to my car that i asked. Oil, filter, air filter, brake fluid, diff oil, gearbox oil, spark plugs, bosch aero wipers, fuel system cleaner, tracking, diagnostic check and loads more for £300!!. Honestly ive learnt alot over the past few years and this is what my golden rule's are from now on! 1) Never buy new or even nearly new, there's far too many pristine 4-5 year old cars out there. 2) forget dealers, too many great independents out there. 3) If you've got a car you like, keep it till you really want a change.
  6. They've got till middle of next week than gloves are off! Also i'm siting on an email regarding customer satisfaction from BMW UK. That's going to be colourful!
  7. I could have got my friend who own's a body shop to paint it for £120 and he know's how anal i am when it comes to my car's. I'm still in shock and i wish i had knocked that fat, bald ride of a body shop manager out in the car park. Still time though!!
  8. I bought a used BMW Z4 that is an approved used BMW! As part of the sale the sales manager agreed to carry out a geometry check and adjust, replace 3 missing plastic pieces of trim from the roof hinges and to paint the front bumper. When i picked up the car none of the above had been carried out. The sales manager apologised and said service would be in touch with me. A week later nothing, so i contacted them myself. They asked me to drive the 40 mile round trip to drop the car off. They supplied me with a courtesy car. They called me later to pick up my car, when i got there still nothing done as they had to order parts! They then charged me £15 to cover the courtesy cars insurance. I got a call saying parts were in stock and tried to book the car in, but as there was a dispute between sales and service regarding who was paying for my bumper to get painted they couldnt give me a date. The bodyshop had already been paid to paint the bumper by the previous owner just before he traded it in and sales said it should still be covered by bodyshop warranty. Anyway took my car to them on monday and they had agreed to drop me of in glasgow so i could get a train home as i didnt want to pay for there courtesy car for 4 days. I got there they had no drivers available so i had to walk to the nearest train station and get 2 trains and a bus home! Got a phone call today saying my car was ready, so i got my son to drop me off. I inspected my bumper in the car park before i went in. It was terrible they had not painted it, just a "smart repair" with an aerosol can. I asked to speak to the bodyshop manager, who was really arrogant towards me. He said he had only to paint the front part under the grill. I said it was all patchy and he said it was not his problem. I asked for the service manager, i asked her if it is acceptable for them to have my car for 4 days to carry out a geometry check and wet and dry a bit of my bumper and give it adusting of paint with a spray can? She agreed sales had paid for the whole bumper to be painted and everything else i had asked for. She also mentioned the roof trim hadnt been fitted as it was out of stock??? I told her if she didnt get something sorted asap, i would be dropping the car back at sales and they could deal with it. I also asked her if i went home and put a nice Armani suit on would i get treated with a bit more respect from there bodyshop manager. As a result they now have my car till next week and i'm driving a 520d! I also had to phone my car detailer as it was booked in for next monday for a full detail, so i feel bad incase the guy loses a days pay!! Totally pi**ed off to say the least!
  9. Thought this would be a bit of fun!
  10. Your missing the point! Engerland would also be in exactly the same position. How long would it take them to get out of debt? Also why would we be changing our name? I wonder how long the English would have lasted if they were getting ran from Edinburgh??
  11. Try this! http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/69827-nismo-style-front-splitter/
  12. Yeah, but as we would be responsible for our share of the nations debt we would also be entitled to our share of it's assets!!
  13. This is the worrying bit, as far as I can see yer man Salmond hasnt actually laid down any information on what he will do for GDP's, finance, law, defence, justice, welfare or health, he just seems to be appealing to the Nationalistic spirit (which the Scots should be very proud of BTW), AFAIK without oil your two biggest exports are mineral water and whisky, not really a basis for a global player's economy ........ Agree, i'm waiting patiently on his manifest for independence. I've got lots of questions i need answered. BUT folk south of the border dont help, with there comments like. "London props up Scotland/Wales" etc. The investments that are made in London are funded from all sorts of sources including Scottish and welsh investers! I really cant see why certain folk think that England subsidise the rest of the UK. From the top to it's bottom the UK is very, very similar irrespective of what part your in. Some bad parts, some good. The city of London have to remember that there investing on behalf of all of the UK, not just England! Furthermore, Scotland is as wealthy as England, pro rata!
  14. Not Sean Connery is it . Pete He's worse! Cant understand folk who rant and rave about how much they love Scotland, but stay elsewhere!
  15. I've got an old guy who used to live beside me on Facebook as a friend. He constantly posts picture's that are suppose to inspire people to vote for independency, you all know the sort. Problem is this guy emigrated to the US years ago!
  16. No offence, but in 60 years when the oil has gone, we will be in the same position as England and wales!
  17. I cant argue with you either way mate. I only posted this to get some unbiased info on the matter. I hate politics and politicians (there no. 3 on my most hated list). But as this referendum approaches i feel that i should find out as much as possible before i vote!
  18. I believe there's recently new legislation that you only have to answer the questions asked and i dont think you have to volunteer information. I got a piece of literature with my new doc's highlighting this. But dont take my word for it!!
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