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Everything posted by stuarty

  1. At least i'm being honest with my comments. All those guys out there that are friends with attractive women and are not trying to fire in are just creepo's and not to be trusted. Something moraly wrong with such a dude!
  2. Joiners, lol! BTW that guy has went bust!
  3. I'm a qualified EHO. If i could be arsed doing freelance work i could earn £250-£300 a day, but i enjoy my free time! http://www.ehn-jobs.com/job/305494/environmental-health-officer-technical-officer-public-health/ Lots of jobs out there for qualified EHO's.
  4. Another reason I want to get out at 24, so I can start moving up the ladder of another job. I have no children and family as important as it is, have no reason to be with 24.7. Surely your brother is able to look into the Mi6 jobs, few guys I worked with were srr and moved into that area. Same job, better pay but in the UK He was offered a job in Faslane and a security Job in Iraq, but after 24 years he simple wanted out. If you want my advice, consider going self employed at something. You'll have to work hard but you'll be your own boss. Best time to try it is when your young. Failing that move to OZ! Anywhere that dosent use your hard earned taxes to support lazy scumbags with benefits. BTW not all folk on benefits are scumbags!
  5. My brother in law retired earlier this year from the special reconnaissance regiment with 24 years service. He was a sergeant. Anyway its all he's ever done since leaving school at 16. He's got a decent pension, but all he could get was a poorly paying store man job! Good luck!
  6. Ive thought a bit more about this thread and i don't have any female friends, that are pretty. In fact i dont know any guys with pretty female friends, their all rather ugly. I think its possible that i could for a few weeks, but the minute i found out she only wanted to be friends then the friendship would be over!
  7. To be totally honest, NO! Unless she was really rough or attractive but a complete nutter! If she was attractive and relatively sane, then i'm afraid i'd be in there like a dog eating beetroot! Sorry, but if any man tells you different their either gay or lying through their teeth. Human nature i'm affraid!
  8. The Z4 came as a E85 (roadster) and E86 (coupe). The new Z4 (e89) is a hard top roadster. Initially came as a 23i (2.5L) and a 30i (3.0L) six cylinder models. Now you can get it as a 18i, 20i and 28i (all 2.0L with twin scroll turbo's) four cylinders and the 35i and 35is (3.0L twin scroll turbo's) six cylinders. I dont think BMW plan on a "M Power" model. But the 35is is a beast!
  9. There only ever was one Z4 M coupe/roadster!
  10. No really mate. You can have a Z4 M coupe for roughly the same price as a VX220 turbo! A Z4 M roadster could be cheaper again.
  11. I was really tempted a while ago to buy another vx220 turbo. Then i started looking at the Z4 M coupe. For track the vx220 turbo would be a great choice but for everyday i think the Z4 M coupe would be better!
  12. Great car, i loved mine for the time i had it. Only problem i had was overtaking other cars because you sit so low and on a hot day you cant see the road ahead because of the heat coming off the road!
  13. Alrighty, i'm returning to full time education in September with a view to working offshore. I'm currently a qualified EHO, but i'm going to study for a Degree in Occupational Safety and Health with the intention of working as a Safety and Health Officer/ Consultant afterwards. Any advice is welcome!
  14. Aye ok, i was bored earlier!
  15. I filled the tank on my 2009 Z4, drove to Ayr and back home then Glasgow and back home in total i covered 132 miles. Thought i'd fill it back up as i'm going to be doing a few daytrips next week, went back into the tesco station i used a few days earlier, used the same pump and i only took £19.57 to fill it back up. I think 132 miles for £19.57 is brilliant!
  16. If this is true im defo buying one as long as its a gt. Or if anyone wants to sell me there 3 year old 370Z, i'm prepared to pay £9k!
  17. Just get powdercoated, it'll last longer! Being an Alpha male i can never understand guys getting this kind of thing done. Woman like a man's man!!!
  18. Ive always been advised to eat 1.4-1.8g of protein per KG of body weight for bodybuilding and thats from an international coach with a MSc and Phd in a sports nutrition subject area.
  19. Think it was, because it was massive and really wide!
  20. Driving home from Livingstone today around 4pm and a purple Lambo can up behind me on the A71 just before shotts. I indicated to let him past and he did, like a jet fighter. He then came ack up the road heading back to where he came from. All i can say is the noise was awesome. Think it was an older model though!
  21. Hey bro, do you even lift? Sorry, I was getting bored of waiting for someone to say it haha If you are cutting then you've chosen the right option - but don't be surprised if you dont lose weight for a while, I found this when I had to lose 11KG IN FAT. I was still increasing muscle mass whilst I was burning fats, so even though I lost a lb of fat, a lb of muslce was gained - this can make it disheartening as you don't see the results, but it's worth it... How long is your cycle? I do a good 4 months of cutting which make you feel really small Creatine won't cause you to gain muscles though mate, it will only aid the repair of your muscle tissue - in turn it will seem like it builds your muscle, but ultimately it's the protein which will do this for you. Funny you should mention it. Usually when i'm cutting weight i have no problem when its cardio based training. But my weight lose has been a lot slower this time. But, although my weight is coming down slowly, my body composition is rapidly changing. I'm now wearing cloths again that i wore when i was 85kg, but i'm still sitting around 92kg at present. TBH i dont mind because i feel great. Maybe time to move up a weight class and show the heavy weights how it's done, lol.
  22. Could not put it better myself. Exactly what I did a couple of years back to drop 5st in 11 mths, best thing I ever did. I still have days where I binge like crazy, but as I've kept the rest of the diet and exercise up it bother me not a jot. Life is for living, and pizzas are definitely living well! Sometimes I wish I understood the whole protein shake and creatine thing a bit more, but I cannot get my head around drinking a 1000 kcal shake. Good luck to any one who goes down that route, but it's a bit too hardcore for me. As long as I can fit into normal clothes without having a belly and I've got some definition on my top half, I'm happy. Not all protein shakes are loaded with calories mate. For example, i'm currently taking 3 a day. 2 of which contain under 100 calories ant the other around 120 calories. For me its all about getting the correct amino acid's into my body and keeping my protein intake at a level were i can get the most from my training sessions. I'm currently consuming around 1.8g of protein for every KG of body mass. Some folk think it's 1-2g per lb of bodyweight but thats only if your training to really gulk up. 2 guys i train with are currently consuming between 1000g-1500g of complete proteins everyday. Dont get me wrong there monsters but there very limited to what they can do. I train in other sports and my weight training is to assist my longevity in my sport. A top sports nutritionist told me a year ago that "nothing will change your body like weight training" and he was 100% correct. I really wish i had lifted heavier years ago as i think it would possibly have reduced the chance of mt rupturing my ACL when i did. The only reason i'm back competing in my sport is due to the hard work i put in lifting weights, as this has built lean muscle around my knee taking the strain off the amstring graft in my knee. Finally, i love folk who are obsessed with what ever it is their doing. Whether its cars, tennis, martial arts etc. its these folk who push the limits of what is possible and although i'm no bodybuilder, its great to be surrounded by like minded people who are totally dedicated to there choosen goal!
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