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Everything posted by stuarty

  1. Welcome to the forum Ben and great looking cars BTW!
  2. Only if you take a px Jay
  3. Thanks for the replies guys. Went to bed last night with a migraine around 8pm and i'm just up. There's plenty other cars out there. I'm going to try selling my roadster privately and then buy my next car.
  4. I'm right pis*ed off here Dave! Its like pulling teeth. I hope they don't have another interested party in the car, willing to pay more!
  5. I'm absolutely gutted! I agreed a great deal on the Z4 coupe at Infinity Glasgow on friday around 6pm. I paid a £500 deposit to secure the car. I called them on saturday to get an update and i was told the system they used to arrange finance was down. They told me they were going to call up someone at the finance company they use, Alphera. I got a call back saying that the rate they promised me was fine and everything would be ok. I called back on sunday to discover the salesman still hadn't proposed me for finance. I contacted them today and he said it had been done. Got a call from him 30 mins ago saying "bad news"! Apparently the finance company now want a larger deposit and the payments are £60 per month more. I asked him to explain why as I've never experienced this before. He couldn't give me an explanation and suggested that he tried another company and he would get back to me after thursday. I asked if he was off work to thursday but he's not! I dont want him proposing me to "other" company's all over the place as it would damage my great credit rating. Then i find out Alphera are BMW finance, whom i have been with for last 4 cars that ive bought and never had an Issue with. It's all starting to feel a bit strange! Think i want my deposit back. Any advice would be great!
  6. I totally agree with this. God almighty....... Lol, love you signature, how about letting others live there dream! Bizarre post considering you've only posted 94 posts! Stuart. Don't know yeh...your probably a decent fellow, but what was wrong with just telling us what you bought in the first place... that was my point, by making everyone start guessing dragged it on a tad. Enjoy your new motor. 95 posts now.. jonny Once you've been a member a bit longer, you'll realise thats how some of us role on here. Just a bit of fun between friends!
  7. Nice car. Yip thats the csl alloys i'm going to get. Fair bit of mods on that Z4 M coupe. Really like the carbon fibre effect on the seat bases!
  8. Double yawn! Christ you must waste some money I suppose you think your **** patter is awesome? What happened to just saying congrats you got the car you wanted. But I suppose were all made of different stuff! Because its the same story every month!! So what you saying mate? As far as i'm concerened its a car forum and i posted in other cars. Granted ive had a few cars lately but thats life. If your questioning the cars ive said ive had, i'll be more than happy to post them all with my private reg on them in my drive!! I'm saying go and join a bmw forum as I now have Thats your decision! I'll stick with this forum as there's alot of knowledgeable folk on here always willing to help. Furthermore thats what the "other cars" section is for!!
  9. The coupe feels like a totally different car to the roadster. Its defo a lot tighter and feels surprisingly bigger! The boot is also bigger being a hatch rather than a boot lid. We've had an awesome summer up here in Scotland so ive really enjoyed the roadster, but cant say i like the attention. Its just a bit showy for me. I'm going to order a set of 19 inch replica csl alloys to finish it off. I think they look great! https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=z4+m+coupe+csl&client=safari&hl=en&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=3IP9UeO-McmFONXSgbAI&ved=0CCsQsAQ&biw=1024&bih=672#biv=i%7C40%3Bd%7CDQd3dHunUPdQIM%3A
  10. Yip, you were spot on! I'll think of a prize for you over the weekend!
  11. For sure mate. Ive only had a 350z in march 2011, new e90 in jan 2012, new e92 in oct 2012, z4 in april 2013 and now the z4 coupe aug 2013. Oh and our new mini cooper in feb 2012! Lol.
  12. Yeah, i commented on that thread yesterday. If they had a read at my post they would learn a thing or two. Thanks for the positive comment, its folk like you that make this a decent place to be!
  13. Double yawn! Christ you must waste some money I suppose you think your **** patter is awesome? What happened to just saying congrats you got the car you wanted. But I suppose were all made of different stuff! Because its the same story every month!! So what you saying mate? As far as i'm concerened its a car forum and i posted in other cars. Granted ive had a few cars lately but thats life. If your questioning the cars ive said ive had, i'll be more than happy to post them all with my private reg on them in my drive!!
  14. Thanks Pete! Might not mean much to some folk but its the best car I've ever drove, but my zed was a very close 2nd!
  15. I totally agree with this. God almighty....... Lol, love you signature, how about letting others live there dream! Bizarre post considering you've only posted 94 posts!
  16. Double yawn! Christ you must waste some money I suppose you think your **** patter is awesome? What happened to just saying congrats you got the car you wanted. But I suppose were all made of different stuff!
  17. Thanks for the well wishes everyone, appreciate it!
  18. Thats the one! It was between the 370z and z4 coupe. I just felt the coupe drove better, handled better and is alot more economical and the road tax was nearly half of the 370z!
  19. Sorry, trying to use this s4 phone! Anyway I posted the thanks as Jason is a fellow member!
  20. Jasons a member on here mate!lol. One can always hope that Jason at Infinity Glasgow whilst trawling the net randomly happens to have a mooch at the 350zuk site and stumbles across this thread I guess I just hope to frig he doesn't decide to search for Author - Stuarty Topic - New car If he does he's gonna be looking for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time
  21. I'd say that if you could get a celica that looks like that for 2k, go for it. I dont know a thing about them but that looks like a 7-8k car to me. What about a mazda RX8?
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