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Everything posted by wackosr

  1. Anthrecite looks really good too. I think the distict color change between rim and tyre is better IMO. Trick nuts too to finish it off look good.
  2. Awesome job, great results ans spot on guide too.
  3. wackosr


    Ah ha.... Something else to add to my list of things to be done. Great info.
  4. Gloss black looks good too, decisions.......... Maybe black with a polished lip! Is that a K1? I was looking at inline sliencers the other day, be nice to fit one nad remove the bungs.
  5. Registered and voted. Good luck. Cubs and scouts was good for me when I was young. Still enjoy camping, climbing etc.
  6. Right, peanut butter, rubbing throat and blowing down his nose. The game is on now my little feline friend!!
  7. Good work, sounds like a science experiment. Objective: - to find out what size bull dog clip deactivates a psycho cat. Aims: - to not get scratched to ribbons! If it works, may have to put a stationary order in at work!
  8. Wow, I can imagine eye drops being fun and games!! I struggle with tablets, if you don't get it right, he spits them out an trying to open him mouth isn't easy!!
  9. I feel your pain, got a nice claw mark across my hand this morning!! Bull dog clip and a set of welding gaultlets should do the trick!!
  10. That is amazying! I must admit, when my cat is attacking me and I grab him by the scruff he becomes deactivated, so you will probably find it works!! Found this after viewing you link, quite amusing in places.
  11. Some people have far too much spare time!! Neat tricks!!
  12. Perfect thanks I was thinking about a polished lip!
  13. Sorry, a little push for time at work earlier! Saw one topic with no pics. Thanks for the help guys.
  14. Afternoon all. I'm looking to get my Rays refurbed in the not to distant future and I'm toying with the idea of a color change. Has anyone done theirs and picked a different color? I'd be interesting in seeing pics if possible please so I can visualise things! Cheers Jacko
  15. RIP Dan. Saw the video online after he was airlifted to hospital, never seen anything like it. Almost unreal, make me cold thinking about it. Surely the organisers should have made changes before the race, there was far too many cars on the track. Guess we should be greatful the cars are as safe as they are, otherwise it could have been a lot worse.
  16. I used to have a set of blades, 99.9cms, great for messing around on and good for your carving techique, just avoid deep snow!! Twin tips are the way forward, even if you can't ski backwards you create rooster tails of snow when you carve, good for spraying your buddies when you overtake!! I ski every year and generally ski pretty fast/hard, I eat like a horse and and drink like a fish at apre and never come back any heavier!! They recomend 2500 cal a day for a man, I think I'm nearer 4000 plus when skiing!! Either way, have a great trip.
  17. You can always sell it again in the future and probably make back most of your pennies.
  18. Lets hope so, come on the Aussies!
  19. Cool video and great editing. Car not too shabby either!!
  20. Sad times Rest In Peace Steve Jobs. You were truly an inspirational character and a visionary.
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