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Everything posted by wackosr

  1. Excellent, nice one. Definitely interested to see what they come back with.
  2. Excellent, nice one. Definitely interested to see what they come back with.
  3. Very nice looking. Hope that's out when I'm due a company car change!!
  4. Very nice looking. Hope that's out when I'm due a company car change!!
  5. Cheers Guys. Even with bungs in I've had comment at a track day and was probably the loudest car there!! Yes, the cans do look the part, especially when clean and polished! And bungs the out!! I'd be interested in seeing how the Jetex fair and I agree, don't want to ruin the sound, but as you say around 88DB would be ideal especially as there are a few tracks that require a lower Db level and seem to offer better prices too. True dual would be really nice, but would be happy with single for now if the Jetex works, should be a fairly easy job to weld in assuming there is space. Excellent, be interested to see what they come back with, nice one buddy. Jacko
  6. Cheers Guys. Even with bungs in I've had comment at a track day and was probably the loudest car there!! Yes, the cans do look the part, especially when clean and polished! And bungs the out!! I'd be interested in seeing how the Jetex fair and I agree, don't want to ruin the sound, but as you say around 88DB would be ideal especially as there are a few tracks that require a lower Db level and seem to offer better prices too. True dual would be really nice, but would be happy with single for now if the Jetex works, should be a fairly easy job to weld in assuming there is space. Excellent, be interested to see what they come back with, nice one buddy. Jacko
  7. Nice spot of modifying. Knowing a local machine shop alway comes in handy too. Really enjoying following all you hard work. Keep it up, looking forward to seeing the finished article.
  8. Nice spot of modifying. Knowing a local machine shop alway comes in handy too. Really enjoying following all you hard work. Keep it up, looking forward to seeing the finished article.
  9. Thank's SteveW, that's a great help. Glad to see it's low enough for track days!! 103db is insanly loud and ear plugs would be required!! Yes, 3 Db is a double in volume, so nearly 6x louder without them!! I've been looking in to inline silencers, you can pick them up quict cheep. Haven't checked on space, but would be nice to weld into the straight section somewhere before the diff. Probably could get a clamp on one if you didn'[t want to go down teh welding route. Tail pipe definitely look so much better without the bungs in. Quick fix is some high temp black paint to mask them slightly!
  10. Thanks Gaaables. I can confirm that the basic baffles do reduce the noise substantially. The Japspeed K1 would be unbearable to drive without them, now it just sounds good when putting the power down, but quieter when cruising. I did initally fire my Zed up without them in and left it idling for a couple of mins out the front of the hose, one of the neighbours happen to be passing and made a comment about how loud it was!
  11. Sorry to jump in on this thread, but this has got the grey mater going!! Any ideas to if the more expensive one with all the perforations in the baffle would reduce the Db more than the cheaper ones? The cheaper ones are similar to the ones in my K1, but could do with reducing the sound a little more!! Cheers
  12. It's not alway about being lazy. You may not be actively looking for a part/mod, but then someone kindly posts it on here and you think, hey, I'd like that. Bit of an off the cuff impulse buy!
  13. The above is very sad, but I can't see how anyone else is to blame but the poor girls involved. I swear half of H&S is purely there to cover for those without common sence. But unfortunately we live in a blame culture where people are never at fault even when they blatentley are! Random example, we have to lock our ladders up at work. If someone were to break in to our premisis at night and they weren't locked up, they used them, fall off hurting themselves, we are at fault and will get sued. The fact they have broken in is irellevant!
  14. Saw this on spy book too. Absolute bunch of nutters. They'll have to spend any winning quickly before they die of internal bleeding or some nasty poisoning for the chemicals in the tubes!! Still, quite entertaining!!
  15. Cracking job. Are you using a sandblaster to remove all the crud? Going to look like new when primed and painted.
  16. Awesome, just made me laugh out loud, good job on one else is in my office today!!
  17. Hi, What does the Y do to the sound? Currently running a K1 which is pretty loud already! Cheers Steve
  18. You can pick up TENG torque wrenches quite reasonably on fleabay, generally from a uk shop too.
  19. Really interesting read, good job, looking forward to the progress reports!!
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