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Everything posted by wackosr

  1. Haha, that may well be true. But I don't fancy being called ET53!!
  2. Haha, we name cars after their reg too!! YCK wouldn't have been great!!
  3. Some cool plates out there. And yes, they do tend to hold their value. I couldn't get the one I really wanted as it wasn't available and probably would have been a fortune. So I went for one that was half for the car and half for me!! V6 JKO Just waiting for paper work to be sorted now. Jacko
  4. £86!!! Wow, that's a bargain. Seem pretty popular then. Makes me feel better!!
  5. Three! Good effort!! Yes, my Fiancée kind of convinced me too.
  6. Just thought I'd start a topic out of curiosity really as I spotted my buddy's car from his plates and didn't even know he had them!! Just wondered how many people have personalised plates or are looking to get them?? Jacko
  7. Ture fast laps don't make him a winner, but he does do a lot over over taking. He was 5th when Lewis span him and at least 10 cars past him. Still he finished 3rd! Good effort in my books.
  8. Just to put a cat amongst the pigoens!! I think Webber is a better driver and if it wasn't for bad luck, poor pits and idiots taking him out he'd be doing a lot better. Just look at how many fastest laps he has over teh past 6 races!
  9. No worries. Hope it helps. Yes, I'm interested in RT's mods for a few ettra horses too!!
  10. I must admit my seats aren't in great shape and have been wondering what to do since I got the car. Excellent topic and great before and after pics. Just need to place an order and find some time to bring them back to some sort of former glory.
  11. Tensions mounting!! Just need to flog the last few tickets.
  12. Aston is the man! That's pretty cool. Without showing my age, didn't he ride for Cannondale back in the day??
  13. Shame it wasn't any use to you. I didn't realise the facelift box could give a few extra horses. I'd be interested in a trumpet mod, fairly cheap too I'd guess. Good luck with getting something sorted.
  14. Can't give you any real advice I'm afraid. But from what I've read most people go for the standard box with a decent air filter. Most aftermarket ones don't tend to improve power. I must admit, taking the standard filter out and putting in a High Flow K&N one in my 03 Z made a slight difference and you can hear the increase in induction noise as it sucks more air in too. Saw this on ebay the other day, don't know if it helps. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/nissan-350z-airfl ... 20ba214491 Jacko
  15. Think a 16mm plug socket is required, plus the externsion.
  16. Can get plugs for around £55 from Opil oils. As for fitting, haven't got round to doing mine yet, but there are some good vids on you tube showing step by step process.
  17. I can't remember who, when or where, but I can remember someone needing an OEM airbox and intake pipe. Spotted this on ebay, so maybe of use to someone. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/nissan-350z-airfl ... 20ba214491 Jacko
  18. FUBAR F***ed up beyond all recogition.
  19. Ooops!!! I've transferred the cash already too!! Also keen! Jacko
  20. Wow they look sweet. Hadn't considered doing multiple colors, something to bear in mine when I need to get mine done.
  21. Definitely a waste of money and if it pulled up along side you at the lights the only way it'd beat you off the line would be if you were too busy laughing!
  22. viewtopic.php?f=62&t=23989&hilit=japspeed+k2 Good info, pics and vidoes on this link for K1 and K2.
  23. I would have said MR2 as well. When you compare both pics it's a long way off. Guess they hoping not to park next to one and a quick glance as it rolls by if enough to fool you. As least the claim won't be so bad now!! Enjoy the weekend.
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