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Everything posted by wackosr

  1. Looks pretty interesting and with good personalisation. When the new software updates are released, will/can these still be installed? Personally I'm looking forward to the camera shutter botton being move/duplicated to on volume up button! Cheers Jacko
  2. Spot on guide. Fortunately I don't have hands like shovels! Lets see how much mess I can make with a tube of silicon and un -steady hands!!
  3. That is a very sweet looking frame! The linkages look like they would be pretty progressive too. My only comment/question is when does the swing arm actually pivot, can't quite see in the pics. Most of the bikes I've owned pivot jost behind teh BB keeping chain length pretty constant. I did ride a Sunn Dual years ago which pivoted infront of the BB and when the the suspension compressed, you could feel the pedals ease up as the chain length increased! But, I'm guessing with today computer simulations etc, this has probably been all but eliminated. Jacko
  4. Hi, one out of the box will be fine thanks. Don't worry about re-fitting it! Good of you to offer. Cheers Jacko
  5. I don't suppose you have a pic out of the box or fitted? Cheers JACKO
  6. Thanks. Yes, I'll take pics and sorry out a wiring diagram at the time and post it. Not a bad call, but I've opted for the £20 effort to trial, if all goes to plan, I'll look into upgrades when I've got some spare pennies! Just have to wait for it to be shipped from Hong Kong!! Any camera recommendations?? Cheers Jacko
  7. Evening Folks. Currently looking at doing the iPod hack when a get some spare time. Also looking at a possible variation and wondered if anyone else had tried something similar or has any thoughts/tips. Basically instead of using a 3,5mm jack soldered on to the Bose unit, looking to use an iPhone AV cable. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 969wt_1280 Then I can use the left and right phonos to solder on to the head unit. The USB to a power supply to charge my phone and the AV phono into the cubby for a display. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 095wt_1141 I can hopefully use the display to mirror the phones screen or show apps like Sat Nav, or movies. This one has two inputs, with one over riding the other. I could use this to connect a rear view camera too and when selecting reverse the camera signal will have priority and the rear view will be shown. Please let me know your thoughts?? Cheers Jacko
  8. Well, yes and no! My first car after graduating in 2000 was 96 Nissan Almera Si. When I got a company car my Dad brought it from me and he still uses it as his every day car. Done over 140k now I believe and touch wood has only required exhausts, tyres and a regular oil change. You can with a Nissan!! Jacko
  9. I'm running stock disks at present with Brembo calipers, but have stuck on a set of EBC yellow stuff all round. The pads I took off were part worn Ferodo ones. The change was definitely noticable and stopping is now a lot better. Most of my driving is around country A and B roads and as of yet, not noticed any fade. Definitely tempted with an open track session at some point, so will be interesting to see how they fair then. Guess its down to your driving style and personal preference. Horses for courses...
  10. Doesn't on Caroline's MY07 roadster. Pete Is it definetly the origional nissan key? It should operate as above. Maybe its a replacent? Looks original to me. I have a similar problem with my valet key. Unlocks the door and disables the alarm, but not the emobiliser!! Any ideas?? Jacko Just sets the alarm off when opening the door. Pete
  11. Hope you enjoy your new purchace. Don't forget to post some pics! Jacko
  12. Me too! Must have been the time of day we were traveing. Did see a mass of Scoobies near Birmingham on the way to Snowdonia. Would have been cool to see all the Zed's in convoy.
  13. Spotted a black 07 GT outside the pub at the bottom of Scafell Pike on Saturday. Unfortunately I couldn't make the lakez meet as I was praticing for the 3 peaks challenge. Lovely weather to be climbing mountains!! Drowed rats would haev been drier. Shame i was shedding and not Zeding, but a 790 mile round trip including Snowdow may have bankrupt me in fuel costs!
  14. Beautiful dog, bet he/she needs a lot of walking!!
  15. Looks really nice, gaitor finishes I off nicely. I'm not jellous!!
  16. Finally got my plates on last night. Had a few issues, sent all the relevent off to the DVLA and they came back saying my tax ran out on the 1st April!! Tax disk is valid till end of the month. Turns out the previous owner has applied for a refund on the remaining tax, but didn't surender the disk!! I would have though the DVLA would have sent a reminder when they sent out the new V5!! Oh well, all sorted now.
  17. Wow, that sounds like an amazying trip! Car heaven!! The Alfa is beautiful and the GT3 awsome. Only had my Zed for two months, so it's going to be a couple of years and a few track days before I venture over. But definitely on my list of must do's and something I've talked about for a while and now I have the car to do it in!! Jacko
  18. Good to see I wasn't the only one to consider V6!! I was after my initials but they weren't available! Would really like J4 CKO, but that's never going to happen or be in my cash range!!
  19. As far as I can remember the DVLA site prices include Vat and the £80 registration fee. So hidden costs!
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