Great Videos's Husky.
I've seen the first one as a screen saver before, pretty cool.
Must admit, never seen the radial one before, pretty clever.
Aren't the rotary ones prone to wear on the seal points?
And use a lot of oil? Not that I'd want an RX8 over my Z.
I think that Hydrogen will probably take off in teh near future, the Honda? james May tested on Top Gear a deason or two back seemed pretty good and the only emmission was water!
I've also seen in on of 'The Engineer' magazinge a while badsk an engine that ran at aptimum rev's the whole time, for best power and fuel consumption. Rather than changing the enging sppe to change the car speed a special coupling was used (Possibly viscous, but my menory is poor) to increase/reduce the amout of load going to the drive shaft.