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Everything posted by wackosr

  1. unless its a 350z exhaust Why do you say that?! I must admit getting my knackered stock one off was a nightmare!! Angle grinder came in very handy!!
  2. Thats sums it up nicely. (Especially for someone who is in the process of fitting a K1 exhaust! Hope it isn't too loud!)
  3. Carrying out your own work not only saves you a fortune, but it's enjoyable and very rewarding when you've fininshed and it works!!
  4. I bet it is sureal, you would be experction the engine to increase it rev's, noise etc as you bury you foot and accelerate. But it just remains the same, as you pick up speed. I guess it would as disapointing as driving an electric sports car, induction roar, exhaust note make a car a lot more enjoyeble to drive!!
  5. No heat shield/cold air panel around the filter to ensure air from outside rather than inside engine bay?
  6. Glamping is camping in luxury, but still required a tent!! Just things like an air bed etc to make it a little more comfortable. You can generally get a pitch for under a tenner at a site with a shower block and hot water these days!
  7. Great video, love the way it builds it up from the basics, slowly adding more detail. All made sence even without sound! Does slightly remind me of my Lego Technics I had as a child!! +1 on the Haynes, they are generally really informative.
  8. Great Videos's Husky. I've seen the first one as a screen saver before, pretty cool. Must admit, never seen the radial one before, pretty clever. Aren't the rotary ones prone to wear on the seal points? And use a lot of oil? Not that I'd want an RX8 over my Z. I think that Hydrogen will probably take off in teh near future, the Honda? james May tested on Top Gear a deason or two back seemed pretty good and the only emmission was water! I've also seen in on of 'The Engineer' magazinge a while badsk an engine that ran at aptimum rev's the whole time, for best power and fuel consumption. Rather than changing the enging sppe to change the car speed a special coupling was used (Possibly viscous, but my menory is poor) to increase/reduce the amout of load going to the drive shaft.
  9. Right, just had a look in the service book. It does say it had a corrosion warranty of 12 years. Providing the paint is checked when 3 years old, than annually. But! I can't find anywhere in the book for these checks to be signed off! Any ideas?? Cheers Jacko
  10. Okay, thanks, I'll have to check that out.
  11. Who likes word games? Hell a chance not in Cheers guys, but unfortunatley even if this was the case the last two services haven't been done by a main steeler! Looks like I'll be going down the repair route, just hope it looks okay!! Still, it's only a max 10p sized spot, so should be faitly inconspicous. If I had the money a full respray would be nice!
  12. Something crossed my mind when I was typing it too!!
  13. Thanks James, that's kind of what I was thinking. Good bit of rubbing down, some red oxide, under coat, top coat and laqer. Just worried about the match of sun faded paint! Cheers
  14. Nice!! Still, it's 29 here in Sunny Norfolk!! No sign of a pool.........
  15. Glad it hear the K1's aren't defening at low load, got to fit mine at the weekend. Bungs in or out? Are they okay when crusing at constant speed, say 70 mph? (I don't have Berks though) Cheers Jacko
  16. Afternoon all. After some advice/help please?! I've spotted a small patch of rust bubbles on the rear arch where it meets the bumper. Don't recall seeing it when I piched the car up a few months ago! Had a good feel under the arch this morning when I spotted it and there seemed to be a lot of dirt sat/stuck on the inner lip. I'm sure this hasn't helped and would stop water from running away too. The car in a Jan 04 on a 53 plate, UK GT in silver. What's my best course of attack please?? Cheers Jacko
  17. Welcome and happy hunting. I'm down the road in Therford, so no Norfolk comments from me!! Jacko
  18. That's pretty much what I said yesterday on my way back from Wales. M4 - m25 - m11. Inside lane empty, two lanes of clueless idiots and an overly busy not so fast lane trying to overtake them all. Unfortunately this leads to a slow slinky sping outside lane and lots of frustration as you struggle to get up to 60, let alone 70...
  19. Whats with the ridiculous camber angle? You'd need shares in a tyre company. Looks like one of those out of proportion cartoon drawings or clay modles that Halfrauds used to sell!
  20. Either I'm not fussy, just curious!! Hope it goes well.
  21. You'll have to let us know what new and exciting things you learn! Hope it goes well. Jacko
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