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Everything posted by wackosr

  1. wackosr

    K1 Exhaust

    Sweet, I bet that sounded great. Was that with the SC? Probably going to get a y pipe at some point, so I'm guessing that will add to the noise!!
  2. Wow, that's one tidy engine bay, good work.
  3. wackosr

    K1 Exhaust

    Or is your hearing going??
  4. wackosr

    K1 Exhaust

    Cool. I'd be inclined to agree with that. When outside the car it sounded good without the baffles in, but once inside it's very noisy. I think it must reverberate off the tin roof!! Also the boot is more open/straight through to the cabin too. I just hope the bungs don't steal too much power!
  5. wackosr

    K1 Exhaust

    Excellent, thanks for the info. Do you have/had a K1?
  6. wackosr

    K1 Exhaust

    Hahaha, yes I am a wimp!! Maybe I should stick some ear plugs in the glovebox for when I man up!! And I'm not sure how my neighbours would feel about them being out either!! Not a bad idea, may have to look into that, guess that's the same kind of paint you'd use on a bbq? It's a shame they can't be pushed in further too. Cheers Jacko
  7. wackosr

    K1 Exhaust

    Also took some time to clean up the rusty rear brackets before re install with new bolts.
  8. wackosr

    K1 Exhaust

    Finally finished fitting my exhaust! Finally after taking the old one off two weeks ago, got the K1 on this weekend. And it was so good to get her out for a spin. Old exhaust was a mess and blowing, so I didn't have much choice, other than to replace it. I must admit, when I had finished I left the bungs out and fired her up, well the noise was good, but once in the car and accelerating, pretty deafening! So I installed the silencer bungs, doesn't look as good, but sounds great and isn't unberable on longer runs. With that done RTBiscuits air box mod done, I think I may need to sort out a plenum spacer adn then an uprev! With the increase in flow through the system is it possible the system is now running rich to compensate? Also, the left side sits lower than the right, what's the best away to level them out?
  9. Only needs a small stone chip for a rust bubble to start - not necessarily a sign of accident damage. That sounds better!! Must admit, didn't notice anything amiss under the car when fitting the exhaust at the weekend.
  10. I hope not!! Well, it doesn't llok like it has been, but the repair may just be a good one! Unfortunately it's had a few owners, so god only knows. I'll have to give it a clean and take a couple of pics to show the damage. Cheers Jacko
  11. I love this satin black finish. Would get this on my zed someday Is it a wrap or paint? Do you have more pics of different views? i'd really like to see them for inspiration I'm also a big fan on the matt black paint with gloss rims. The matching handles and badges is a nice touch and good attention to detail. Also loving the McQueen quote.
  12. he's always like his cars and is a accomplished motorsport driver and has raced in quite a few events I do remember something about him racing being mentioned on the show actually. Such a shame, hopefully the fact he walked away is a good sign and he's fine. Makes you think that if someone this experienced can have a faily bad accident, what hope do the rest of us have?! I must admit I've been thinking about an advanced lesson of some sorts since I've had my Zed. Slightly more horses than the disiesal Mondeo!! Any recomandations??
  13. Let's hope he's okay. Shame to wreck a clasic like that. He was pretty quick on Top Gear the other week, maybe that went to his head!
  14. Great time, congrats. How many laps have you done to learn all those corners?! Great photo too. Definitely in my list of things to do.
  15. Great photos, looks like an add!! Car looks great too. Good job.
  16. I keep looking for a nice scale model with rays, but no joy yet!! Look good sat next to the tv.
  17. Get info, cheers. Been looking for a number plate mounted camera for when I get round to doing my ipod hack + screen and reversing camera! Not a bad price and the image looks nice and clear too.
  18. I see. Yes, I've got a box of new flange bolts to replace the OEM ones. Fingers crossed I'll get it fitted at the weekend.
  19. Even managed it without jacking the car up at all once. Still a pain in the arse. Wow, I am impressed. Guess I must have found the most difficult way of doing it then!!
  20. Wow, that's a fair amont, whould have thought you have it dialed now!! Should have come to you for advice! Must admit, taking the rear barckets off was a pain and a few correded bolts ddn't help. Tried to remove a piece inside the bumper to give me access, bolt was turning, so I thought, excellent, until I noticed it was wrapping the metal around it rather than undoing!! A little like a sardine can! Something else for me to correct!
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