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Everything posted by dino1now

  1. Just popped over from the RX8 owners club with something you might be interested in. I had my rear lights tinted and a mate of mine with a 350z had his done too. Thought you would like to see them. First my RX8. And my mates 350z. They are fully road legal, according to the guy who does them and work out at £125 + one way postage.
  2. As Neil says, it's open to all cars, so your mates Scooby is welcome. Just email valleytrackweekend@yahoo.co.uk for an entry form.
  3. Thanks for the testimonial George We are hoping to get the same guy to offer tuition this time, but I have yet to confirm that. It is a great place for the first timer, very safe and most of the corners have large run off areas and the straights are 60m wide in places. The track this time is better than the last one, I have driven it in my 8 and hit 120mph on the straight, lots off fast bends and some tight sections too. The focus is on the driver having fun and learning what his car can do without worrying about anything to hit. We are hoping to get some demonstrators for people to have a pax ride in, in April the Audi R8 proved popular and has been invited back. We may get a Search and Rescue helicopter display again too. I have also arranged a 20% discount with the Cymyran Hotel located half a mile from the base, details here
  4. Sorry you can't make it Neil, but there will be another one in April 2012. I think Jan and his asbo will be quite pleased he's not going to spend the day staring at your exhaust.
  5. Hi all, I've just popped over from the RX8 Owners club to invite you all to a track weekend at RAF Valley, Anglesey, North Wales. Some of your members came along to the last one we held and helped make it a great success. We would like to extend a warm welcome to you again and hopefully make some more money for charity. The weekend is split into two days. Saturday 3rd September is a bike day and the 4th is a car day. The track is on the airfield and is surfaced with high quality tarmac. The circuit this time is 2.5 miles long with a good variety of long straights, sweeping bends and tight corners. An open pit lane system will be operated over two 3 hour sessions with a break for lunch in between. Toilets and food will be available throughout the day. The cost is £60 per driver per day, but £50 per driver if they share one car, passengers are £10 per day and spectators are free, though it would be nice if they made a small donation to charity. More information and a booking form can be obtained by emailing valleytrackweekend@yahoo.co.uk I hope to see some of you there and if there are any questions, drop me a line. Cheers Mark
  6. Just thought I'd pop over from the RX8OC to say thank you for the support you gave to this event. Thanks to George for organising it all. The day was a great success and it was great to see everyone enjoying themselves. I hope it wasn't too hard on the tyres and fuel , but if it's any consolation the RX8's used a lot more fuel and oil . As you know the event was in aid of Help For Heroes and we hoped to raise £5000 on the day. I'm pleased to tell you that we have just passed the £6000 mark and money is still coming in for photo and dvd sales. Please congratulate yourselves for helping to make this the success it was. I look forward to meeting some of you at the next Valley track day Cheers Mark
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