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Everything posted by cb350313

  1. Managed to drive the car on one of my favourite roads last night and it brought on a massive grin ear to ear! The weight of the steering, balance of the car, everything just felt right where my previous cars felt akward, very happy
  2. Thanks again folks,can tell I will enjoy contributing my 2p on here and hopefully finding advice when needed!
  3. Yeah I think I'll get myself along to one soon!
  4. Thanks guys, one thing that does make me laugh about my car is the tape deck! I'm not really that big on ICE but I think a new head unit with a proper ipod connection might be on the cards as well! I want something looking OEM though... I've been on youtube listening to the nismo exhaust vids constantly haha
  5. Hi there folks just thought I'd say hello, I recently purchased an 08/58 350z in black with black leather, it came with sat nav, bluetooth, heated/elec seats,bose. I had an 08 audi s3 previous to this and I must say the handling on the 350z really does put the audi to shame, that said the audi started life intended as an audi a3 compact hatchback wheras the Z was designed as a rwd sports car from the ground up! I'm really enjoying driving the car so far and I only really have 2 small issues with it (easily rectified) 1. The traction control is far too keen for normal driving and I find myself switching it off for nearly every drive. 2. Exhaust is ok, but it doesn't really allow you to hear the full wrath of the v6- I reckon I'll stick on a nismo system in the near future. Anyway here's a picture, I'll have a few good ones taken once I've got stuck into the paint and have a decent coat of wax on. Cheers folks, Craig
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