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  1. There are some weirdos out there, unfortunately the nicer car you drive the more you seem to attract. I've noticed an increase in c**ts since having my Zed. I went straight on at a roundabout which was a dual carriageway and you can go straight or right being in the right hand lane. I went straight on rather than sitting behind 8 cars in the left lane, some bloke in the left lane after the roundabout almost pulled out into the side of me as he didn't look nor indicate and apparently, it was my fault by the gestures he was giving. Now, it did annoy me as it was Monday morning which never puts anyone in a good mood so after a few rude signals I gave one back; anyway he kept doing it and I pulled into the left lane at 70mph where as he then took the opportunity to hurl abuse when he got level with me all the way down the carriageway wanting me to pull over etc... anyway he eventually went on his merry way. Maybe it is a coincidence since having the Zed that people seem a lot more ignorant and mental on the roads?
  2. This is all very interesting, I have no prior knowledge of Shares before reading through this thread but will certainly be looking at it all and the links in further detail... Well done to everyone who has made some money out of it all I will be getting involved as soon as it sinks in a bit more
  3. Thanks for all of the welcomes Looking forward to going through the topics on here and getting involved
  4. Hi there, I stumbled on this forum and thought I should join! I am new to forums so here goes: I've recently bought my 350z which is an 05 GT version (I will take some pictures and post soon) all standard, no modifications etc... A spontanious purchase, I sold my Celica and getting used to rear wheel drive and filling up with petrol on a regular basis!
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