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Everything posted by taffyjason

  1. the quality of the japspeed isnt great i think, the back box rusted pretty quickly, the berk cats and stillen y pipe are still shiny and new looking, but you live and learn! definitely don't need anything louder though, suggestions for the K2 replacement?
  2. he doesnt look too impressed! gorgeous though
  3. im gonna do it! tell me !!
  4. ah just wondered, as i have the stillen Y pipe and berk HFC's, at around 1600-2000 rpm there is a resonance frequency which is deafening, makes your eyes go blurry if you stay in that range! looking for some sort of muffler in the chain to help out, other wise it makes an awesome sound, i reallly love the crackling and popping on the overrun!
  5. have you got just got the K2 rear? anything else changed in the zorst?
  6. i bought a crapspeed k2, wish i hadnt, but you live and learn...
  7. wow these carp(s) must be fetching a lot of money!
  8. a decent set of LED daylight units would be better i think, just havent found a quality set yet, most ebay specials look really cheap...hence they are cheap!
  9. ive driven in thick fog, can't say i really needed fog lights,
  10. most OBD readers with displays are much more expensive, this seems a very good way of doing it whilst having the flexibility of the tablets other features did you fasten the tablet in place or wedged in? im ebaying the tablets now!
  11. you're saying there's an OBD blue tooth app for a few quid??
  12. which one is that? have you hard wired the archos into the car's power supply?
  13. nice one. looks good, i was wanting to do something similar what's the OBD software you have on the display?
  14. Cheers, have some cracking ideas lined up did you ever see the similar story about extreme ironing? i managed to get one done on a tank in Iraq...i can take it on my next deployment if you like!
  15. almost looks like the banana is smoking at the near end!
  16. If you send him to me, i'll get some interesting pics as im on an airbase!
  17. it shouldnt make a difference, thats what i did as my soldering iron went kaput, all i can think is somewhere the amp isnt getting the power on signal, perhaps double and treble check you have the right wires spliced, it toom me 2-3 re-checks to identify the right ones as wires dont seem to be standardised across different HU's
  18. Drop me an email bud, I will sort you out as you bought the other bits from me is that aimed at me?
  19. my MREV is from the states, they offered to buy my lower chamber
  20. oops sounds like a fuse blew, get that multimeter in use
  21. hope the outlay results in one or two horses
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