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Everything posted by taffyjason

  1. ahh gotya, i did a similar course with the police years ago, i had to drive a landrover and mondeo on a sort of trolley, its saved me a few times in treacherous conditions
  2. CAT , sorry, showing my ignorance, what's that? I agree with the racing, i personally feel the rally drivers have the most skills, i was in Greece when they had the WRC there, huuuuge drops either side off a cliff, doing speeds you wouldnt do on a motorway! huge respect
  3. well i exaggerated in it smashing me, i just couldnt pull away, but that's the fun of a turbo car i guess, easily fettled and altered for few pennies!
  4. that SC is looking more tempting all the time, i'll have to have a chat with the guys at Corsham !
  5. im with you on that one, particularly with newly powdercoated alloys
  6. well as the others said, be a better driver for a start and a SC would go down nicely As you say, it looks a lot faster than it is, but i wouldnt like to part with it unless i won the lottery!
  7. Or maybe you don't know how to drive??? Controversial! you're probably right! life is always a learning experience!
  8. its running at 268 at the moment, havent had it dyno'd since ive had the other work done, still disappointed though
  9. i had a huge slice of humble pie! with humble cream...
  10. yup waiting for the ' enojy the car for what it is' lecture, not to beat other cars etc....body armour on...but i had to share the world altering event !
  11. I was travelling to get my alloys sorted in Norwich, had this annoying black SEAT Leon 20v, no other badges, but when i tried to get past on the dual carriageway, i couldnt get past him, i ended up bottling it at licence losing speeds, but really rattled me some crappy car like that put the Zed in its box...... i can only assume it was a super chipped 20v turbo.....
  12. well i gotta find a new respray for the body now!
  13. ok cool, i'll get some while they are clean then, particularly the interior even the guys at the shop said they looked great on the Zed, hopefully not just buttering me up!
  14. yeah i read that about the powdercoat on their website, i assume you have powdercoating? does dirt cling to them?
  15. must be somewhere closer to you that does them?
  16. oh £270 for the lot
  17. Thanks to BA Wheels in Norwich, friendly and fast service. The colour is called ' Porsche Anthracite ' they are slightly darker than the pics suggest, more of a gun metal / titanium ..i've no idea if thats an official paint colour or just their own ! Now i have to get the car re-sprayed to a darker metallic grey !
  18. Just had my Rays refurbished and powder coated, very happy with the results Pics aren't great, they really don't do them justice, but here they are...
  19. That's not very nice. What if everyone replied to your threads when your asking about your car in the same manner? Ohh you talking about the one that doesn't exist anymore? funnily enough you're the only one ive come across that antagonises, in the future its just easier to ignore you're comments
  20. do some reading dblock, i cant be arsed educating you
  21. do you enjoy trying to wind me up dblock? i honestly think you're a ****
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