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Everything posted by TomS

  1. It is for collection as the guy who was meant to take it couldn't make it today. I'll clear some PMs out now. Not keen in posting it as the shape if the airbox would mean I need to find a big box.
  2. I'll see if I have appropriate packaging
  3. Here's a quick one That lazy I didn't do separate layers for each wheel, but you get the idea
  4. TomS

    OEM Side Skirts

    Offers welcome I have no use for them any now!
  5. Offers welcome I have no use for them any now!
  6. TomS

    OEM Cats

    Offers welcome I have no use for them any now!
  7. TomS

    350z Floor Mats

    Sold, thread can be closed
  8. Sold, thread can be closed
  9. Can't believe people are saying it's ok, looks ****ing atrocious to me! Wheels look terrible, spoiler ridiculous and the sub enclosures in the boot look like the Hulks just farted Each to their own I guess!
  10. Being collected tomorrow morning hopefully!
  11. This certainly won't last long! Like rocking horse poop.
  12. This isn't anyone's on here is it? Why 3 tax disc holders? http://www.pistonheads.com/classifieds/used-cars/nissan/350z/350-z-one-of-a-kind/1375237
  13. Yeah it fit fine, bit of a pain trying to figure out if it needed a bracket or not but I did it in the dining room after taking the centre console out of the car. The biggest issue is cables as I had to buy 3 different JVC adaptors for steering wheel controls, companies kept saying they would work and then they bloody didn't! If you take it to a car audio shop they'll charge about £30-40 I think so depends how precious your time is. Even the audio shops had trouble with the cables as I think JVC released a new set of head units but failed to tell anyone the steering wheel adaptors wouldn't work, should be fine now though I think.
  14. TomS

    350z Floor Mats

    Great, I'll PM you with details for collecting!
  15. This is the newer version of the JVC head unit I had in my zed and it was really good so this one should be decent - http://www.amazon.co.uk/JVC-KW-NSX1E-KW-NSX1/dp/B008B6FYGA or you could buy it direct from the company selling it on Amazon for £40 more! http://www.caraudiocentre.co.uk/product_m-jvc-kw-nsx1_p-27469.htm
  16. Best thing you can spend money on at a track day is tuition. I learnt more in 20 minutes with an instructor than a whole morning on my own at Oulton Park. They just put so much more speed into everything and make you realise how much quicker you can safely go around the circuit.
  17. TomS

    350z Floor Mats

    They came with the car so I'm assuming they are genuine! I bought new ones a few months ago but they were sold with the car last week. £20 minimum, think they're around £60 new! I'm at home all week I think so you can collect during the day or any evening. Drop me a PM and I'll send you my address when you know what day you're coming.
  18. Provisionally sold pending collection this week Other parts still for sale: OEM SIde Skirts 350z Floor Mats 350z Number plate mount 2004 Rear Lights 2006 LED Rear Light OEM Cats
  19. Yes Just a few parts left to sell now
  20. TomS

    350z Floor Mats

    Definitely not worn through, I can try to get a closer photo of the drivers side one if you want?
  21. TomS

    350z Floor Mats

    They are and I'm in M28
  22. I have a repair kit from Buffalo leather for alzean, are yours black or alzean? I've sold my car so no longer need it, didnt't get a chance to use it so it's all new and unused.
  23. Glad you got back ok and didn't fall asleep
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