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Everything posted by IRVO-LFC

  1. Yellow marigolds, dont forget the large jar of vaseline
  2. oooooh Handbags thanks pal, read it thru, seems a noob friendly job to do.
  3. Brilliant............thanks Jez, look forward to reading about the results.
  4. just as i was expecting a sensible answer Ricey decided to come online................
  5. www.rocketautos.com for the bearings, cheap as chips pal, just got two new shiny rears and a front for mine, usual bearing whirring sound on one of the rears and a heavy whirring sound on the front, little play with the hub when the wheel is off. good luck. 57447764772782 paste this into the "how did you hear about us" if you decide to order on the checkout page and it will give you an extra 5%, this code can be used as many times as possible before the 24 june, happy shopping.
  6. +1 ££££ would be nice to know.
  7. Chaps can someone explain briefly and easily how to tighten the handbrake on my 03 JDM, is it noob proof!!!
  8. been over four times, twice on my long gone TLR1000, went over when it was cancelled because of the foot and mouth, not a bad thing really as there were still plenty of bikes but just a litle quieter, done the mountain circuit 18times and totally shredded my tyres, ended up travelling back to Liverpool from heysham on the wires in the pi**ing down rain, not a good idea stood every time at the bottom of bray hill 160+ on basically a B road is an experience every speed nutter must experience the film is a must see, Guy Martin is a typical racer, true character, no bloody sense!!!
  9. probably the best option... bit of a mechanical noob so all advice will be greatly received.
  10. Hope not kerrching!!!!!!! front wheels feels pretty solid when up on the trolley jack, no play at all
  11. chaps i have just replaced both compression arms to eliminate the oh so common knocking noises.... i replaced the bushes some weeks back which got rid of 80% of the knocking, i was told by my spanner man at the time that there seemed to be a lot of play with the ball joint so i purchased two brand new complete arms and replaced the old ones, seems i have now got rid of the knocking almost completely 98% only heard it once on the test run earlier, so obviously another bush somewhere in the linkages need replacing, may go down the route of the polyurethane bushes and replace them all. my main aim in replacing the arms was to really try and get rid off the loud "binding" noise on the offside front wheel, this only happens when travelling over 40ish going around a left hand bend, soon as the whell is straightened slightly it stops??? has or does anyone else encounter this noise, does anyone know what it could be?? ps Roll on next weekend, Wales here we come
  12. i did yesterday!! no reply, think i've upset him coz i asked for price for the arms then got them sent over from uncle sam instead
  13. guys can anyone help in getting me two compression arm seat cones for the weekend, received two shiny new arms from the states, but no cones... noob can these items be ordered over the counter at a Nissan dealership, i dont have a paypal account but can transfer the money straight away, if account details are available. need to get the arms fitted this weekend as its my last chance before Wales!! are there any online stores where these are avaiable?
  14. would be a good idea to cut short the knob jokes especially with a new signature picture of his royal highness Ron Jeremy. +1 Always fancied a new knob but have always resisted the temptation At this point i will end the conversation about knob's and Wales
  15. if there are any spare on top of those required by Woody please PM me ASAP as i'm running very low on toilet paper! mind you would love to see Messi at Wembley running rings round the united defense!
  16. we can leave the twisty stuff til later in the day<,nothing better than sitting up an artic's a**e at 7am over woodhead!!!!!!!!!
  17. how about the McDonalds/Shell garage at Tankersley just off junction 35a M1.... say 7am, fill up on greasy McMuffins first, mmmmmmm.
  18. has there been an official updated list put out yet !!!!
  19. do you drive a silver "Z" ? Think i've passed you a couple of times on the way to work on Midland Way??? was sat up your a**e at the McDonalds round about last wednesday morning!!
  20. wierd, lived in Ecky for a short while, in the new flats behind the coop! depends on how much of a rush you are in and which way you want to go, basically i was thinking of going over the tops (woodhead) early on saturday morning about 7am, AA routefinder has it down as two hours, so time for a coffee before the rideout. keep me posted if you wish to tag along, although hopefully there will be a few other drivers going a different way which we can tag onto.
  21. dont wish to dampen your spirits, but picked one up last week in exactly the same box froM POUNDLAND, SORRY bUDDY
  22. Is there anyone travelling over to the Wales meet on Saturday morning from the South Yorks...Derbyshire area???? would be nice to travel over mob handed
  23. plenty of vaseline and a rubber glove!
  24. ha ha, good memory! hoping you might forget that one, wouldnt want it brought up whilst having a few beers around the BBQ MIGHT BE QUITE DIFFICULT NOW THE UP-REV IS COMPLETE!!!! OFF TO THE RING ON WEDNESDAY SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND MY CONCERN, IF NOT MY IGNORANCE lookin forward to bumpin into you in Wales, you'll be the one with Blue tinted spec's on i pressume? Thats a picture OF my lounge window! Might be worth you towing a caravan there......it'll help you keep it under 120mph I'm sure there must be a few going in convoy from your end.
  25. You just taken a piccies from your lounge window?? looks like typical Chester suburb Gypsies?
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