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  1. I never updated this thread after completing repairs the end solutions was to replace the shock absorber which virtually eliminated the knocking noise, not sure if that will be the solution for you as these problems (Which I am now having with a different car) are hideously complex and hard to solve in cars with complicated & stiff suspension good luck and hopefully some of the other bods on here can help you like they helped me. Ryan
  2. So... zed is booked in for Tuesday and hopefully Nissan will be able to shed some light on this. Looks like its not clear cut what the solutions is. I would love for it to be the Compression arm, hoever I am not convinced it is either. When I first spoke with Nissan mechanic he said to check compression arm and copper slip, which i had done on Friday and it didn't make any difference.
  3. Last call for anyone to help me with this. Anything to go on would be useful as I have this booked in with local Nissan garage but feel they might take me to cleaners on cost.
  4. Hi there, thanks for looking. I have been experiencing a strange juddering noise that sounds like it is coming fron the front offside wheel. It is only really noticeable on rough surfaces such as cobbles (very obvious) and cracked roads. On smooth roadways there is no noise. Noise timed perfectly with when/if front off-side hits the rough/rutted ground. When I brake the noise will lessen and if I brake a bit more it goes away completely. resuming when I release the brakes. I have taken it into a garage and with a few experience assistants (who did most of the work, good guys that they are) we have checked the drop link, brake pads, discs, wheel bearing and given all the bits there a good tug to reproduce the sound. All bolts are tight and none of the buses or suspension looks work or broken. When we put it on a ramp, jack it up and get a lever under the wheel we can get a bit of vibration but it is hard to track down where it is coming from. Noise still happens with brake pads removed and flexi compressed for that brake. Noise still happens with replaced wheel hub (bearing etc.) as bought from ZMANALEX. Noise still happens with drop link disconnected and cable tied out of the way. Noise is a drum-roll style judder but I don't feel it in the steering like a misbalanced wheel or such, just an irritating noise. ************************* this is starting to drive me bonkers as I have been trying to fix for over a week Nissan mechanic, when hearing the noise said it might be something to do with the banana arm, anyone know if this is a good direction to go in for investigation. Ideally I would like to avoid replacing every part of the suspension from a cost perspective ******************* Thanks again Ryan Edited 24/03 ChrisS
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