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Everything posted by Keyser

  1. Don't know what could be used in there place? What's wrong with jubilee clips? got loads under my bonnet
  2. What do we do??? Just cause I have a Titanium Nismo knob already
  3. I'm in (as always) 1/ martinmac 2/ wackosr 3/ Doogyrev 4/ Brown7758 5/ Liam42whu 6/ MadGrip 7/ martinmac 8/ Brown7758 9/ Beavis 10/ Keyser Stick it on my tab I'll probably order something else before it's over - Resistance is Futile Hey just noticed this was my 350th Post don't I win a sticker or something
  4. Not sure what to say - you seem to like the car and following the hart can cost money! He's not sold it yet and as already said £11k no MOT that's not going to fly out the door. I would say - Walk away find another plenty to choose from. If your still keen - Go back to you £10.5K offer use the difference for an RAC/AA inspection or tell him £10k in 4 weeks when still hasn't sold it subject to inspection. (I really think he will have trouble selling with no MOT)
  5. O So close I told you mate I've got my eye on it!
  6. The video My first thought was that will be stripped but looks like a joy ride.
  7. Spacers Hmmm no none here sorry
  8. I'd love to be with a Nissan sales rep that said "Yes sir all the refinments, ABS, Bose, Airbags 6 speed box and THE BUTTON OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION" I Know but a great line.
  9. I'm liking that idea a lot ! May well have to look into that....... Keep the ideas coming guys MORE FI ON UK ZED's
  10. I'm in I.T not block location No seriously the picture dosen't really show how steep an angle my "garage" floor is at she wanted to roll that way! Yes - massive load on that bolt, it does have a castle nut on the back already - (It had one when I took it off) but a good tip if it looks like its going to be a problem I will swap it for a hight tensile bolt as well. It's not a "cling-on cloaking device" it's a goverment "We tax you so much you can't afford afford a garage" device I thought it was close to De-cats when I repaired it - I then thought O well the all are good call on the heat wrap. Thats the second person who said you have to polish the other one! - Maybe another project - I was thinking of doing the APS as well Thats why we think your a magician - You Post - I thought I'd do this today - here it is More tension = more wear but not as bad as the slip that will wreck a belt quicker, the bigger concern is heat as it is a fairly small pulley it will spin very quick, if it overheats it could seize It has happend just going to keep an eye on it.
  11. OK Decided that as I bought the Zed to play with and the weather was so nice! today was the day for my first play! The aim for the day was to address three things - 1. Sluggish turnover 2. SC Drive belt slip/squeal 3. Modify the "Pinch rollers" to match the arrangement's I have seen on the American SC cars. This is because I think it will work better and will be ready for when I drop the jack pulley down to the 3.12. Few people to thank first - Big thanks to Triji from my350z.com who's post gave me the guidance I basically copied what he has done although I'm running 2 smaller idlers, he is using 1 bigger idler. His post can be viewed here - http://my350z.com/forum/forced-inductio ... diy-6.html (I have copied 1 or 2 of his pics as well) Steady Zeddy - For his continued support and information about this Zed (for those of you that don't know he was the previous owner) Andlid - for suggestions and advice Sam Mcgoo - for sharing information on his SC Zed Captain - For posting up about the track day, gave me the kick up the backside I needed to get on and get my Zed sorted for the up and coming shoot out. Buster - honorary mention as he helps me out a lot - but he came up with some lame excuse today ------------------------------ On with the show - Problem number 1 sluggish turnover - That was easy charge the bloody battery Steady told me it was new and she's been sat for 2 weeks outside doing nothing (waiting for DVLA paperwork) and 4 days at the garage for MOT zorst etc with several start/stops on the ramps off the ramps. This is going to be easy! Out the garage and onto the ramps - What? O I haven't built the garage yet (that will be another build thread LOL)and they are the only ramps I have Did I say this was going to be easy? Wrong first thing I find is a puddle of petrol under the car - that explains the smell of un-burnt fuel at start up! the offending piece cut off All fixed Onto the slip well as you can see in the next few pics the belt has become way too loose I can take the belt of without undoing the tensioning pulley Before anyone calls me a sissy or a wimp for wearing gloves I didn't want to chip my nails LOL Now I could just tighten the belt but it rubs slightly - It is also throwing bits of half melted rubber belt all over my engine bay and bonnet This is a known issue and I found this mod has been used to solve the problem Also the I wanted to change the pinch roller setup - this was my setup This is Triji's setup The idea is to keep the belt wrapped around the pulley for longer - more contact = more grip = less slip simples. So to work Stripped her down - cleaned the worst of the crap off In the pic above you can see where the bolt for my top idler is, this is where Triji marks his to be - Not to be out done LOL New position marked By this time the garage looked like this I also spilled blood!!!!! anyway out with the tap and die set - nightmare as the bar that turns it will not fit so I had to improvise Got there in the end Quick test All looking good so far so start lining bits up I'm happy with that now to address the rub which I have now made worse as the upper belt run will now cross the front of the cam cover, so I marked the belt lines with a pencil Out with the angle grinder and Dremel (but my version of a Dremel is bigger and air powered ) Test fit see how I'm doing - I want minimal clearance the less taken off the better Bit more grinding after a few attempts I get it where I'm happy so a quick deburr and polish Came out alright and doesn't look too DIY (The flaming may start) So bolt it all back together (at last) clearance is sweet no rub Nice new belt fitted (Thanks Steady - he gave me a spare) Set the tension and fired her up - yes it started first time took a few attempts to get it spot on and no slip on start up (for now at least)........ Time is getting on and the "garage" is now in this state So tidy everything up, put the tools away followed by a quick test drive to the (not so) local Chinese for a well earned take away (Now that's FAST food). Thanks for reading - thought I'd do a Wasso and document my progress on here it may even help somebody out or give them the confidence to have a go themselves. Happy Zedding.
  12. Hello and Welcome I don't think thats what it says it is! I think you will find the 313PS would have the facelift bonnet and that looks remarkably like the same engine I had in my last Zed the 276 Hopefully someone that actually know will be along soon to put us both right. Apart from that it looks nice (GM's is the faster colour though ) nice rear spoiler as well.
  13. Different but I won't be getting thm any time soon.
  14. +1 Thats my routine now as well Haven't had the car for a winter yet but I'm looking for a second set of wheels as the R888's were "entertaining " When I went out in the rain! BTW Captain cameras here - just waiting for the memory card
  15. I Just got the paper work for this in the post today Then I read it "Please take your Bike for noise testing on arrival" - I will need to go and buy a bike now!! The other bit of paper says "thank you for booking a car day..." I called them - "we may have sent you the wrong paper work" You Think? Not a problem he's emailed someone to call me Monday and sort it all out so I'm sure it will all be good in the end. Going to take the belts of the car and grind the cam cover down now I may not make the 7th with a working car
  16. Thats good mate nearly double figures I think I'll be at about 6mpg on the track Hope you can make it all the best keep the vids coming
  17. Way to go Jez very smooth Thought I was going to watch you get your azz kicked. I Just ordered an £8 camera of ebay You going to make Castle Combe on the 7th mate?
  18. I like them Very nice mate
  19. I reckon the one on the right was a bit of a pussy!
  20. Very nice mate I do like your Zed nice and clean looking - love the stealth NOS install (saw that at Port Solent) 2 things - 1. You won't stop there 2. If it ever feels cold in your car check to see if your Seibon Carbon Boot is still there Keep up the great work. Regards
  21. Sky Insurance for me - less than half what you are being quoted on an SC 350Z but I'm twice your age
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