So I only had a few hours in the Zedshed today as I had a few jobs to sort around the house.
One of these jobs is to get the Christmas decorations down from the loft - This got me thinking "Christmas" a time of good will to all and peace on earth etc.
With this in mind I thought about my project and building a fire breathing, gas snorting, 3.5 Litre V6 beast of a car just doesn't seem ecologically friendly!
So I thought there is nothing else for it Project Zee Business will have to go green - (hope it doesn't upset any of you purists and speed demons)
See I've gone green
Now you will know what fuel to put in
Other than that I had some problems with the primer taking on a couple of bits I did yeterday,
So they got another clean and I'll try again.
That's all folks .......................