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Everything posted by Keyser

  1. Saw it Saturday night - great laugh but completely unbelievable -
  2. Is that not the thicknesses for the JDM Brakes - not the Brembos?
  3. along - congrats on the new motor
  4. Defo worth a watch - thanks for sharing
  5. I painted mine black - did not get a noticeable difference on intake temps if they did go up it was less than 1 degree, I had to run water meth injection to keep the temps down as well so I think you will be fine. I used the same paint as I did on the car (well the black bits anyway )
  6. Nice one mate - Good luck with the build she is going to be a wicked motor
  7. Nice one Wendy I was obviously luckier than you as I found time between the ballet and sewing to work on cars No seriously, I grew up on a farm plenty of machinery to play with on a regular basis
  8. I have spent the evening going through my dad's old slide collection and starting to convert them into digital pictures using one of those USB converter things. Walk down memory lane and all that ....... I did come across this though, the first car I ever worked on with my dad an X GPO Morris 1000 van which we cleaned all the rust out of undercoated the chassis and got running, it was also the car I learnt to drive in Ahh the good old days
  9. Keyser


    I don't have to be in the jungle to get that feeling back again
  10. Keyser


    As Buster would say - "During the war" I have plenty of war stories - some slightly taller than others I can't tell you them all of course as I would have to kill ya
  11. Oi I resemble that remark
  12. Keyser


    I still have the news paper cutting that says they are still looking for me after they did all 4 of us in bedsits for not having a license, I left the bedsit and joined the army between being caught and going to court With the benefit of hindsight maybe I should have just stayed and paid the fine - at least they wouldn't have shot (at) me
  13. Excellent news - The Zed Shed Crew are joining the DJCC private screening (They book the whole of one of the small cinemas) so tomorrow night it's pizza followed by FandF 7 Should be a good night out
  14. Ahhh time for a war story - After the Gulf war I was shipped off to Northen Iraq then to the former Republic of Yugoslavia at this time I became very ill and they diagnosed me with Gulf war syndrome or PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) They were wrong - my condition got much worse so they ran some more tests and it was gastroenteritis (or extreme food poisoning) Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing I just always wondered where the symptoms for the 2 cross over
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