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Everything posted by coldel

  1. http://www.carbuzz.com/news/2017/10/29/Looks-Like-The-Iconic-Nissan-Z-Car-Might-Be-Dead-7741748/
  2. Haha yes there is the exception I guess!
  3. Its funny but I keep having a cheeky nose at BMWs but the idea of jumping in one and becoming part of the anonymous horde really puts me off. I get the M cars are amazing bits of kit though and appreciate cars like the 135i are fantastic, but I do like to drive something different and rarely drive the car to the limits, so do I need anything faster. Had a moment at the weekend when driving around Richmond in a two lane approach to a roundabout in slow moving traffic pulled alongside a deep purple Supra - engines were blipped, windows came down, compliments passed and we carried on our way
  4. Nice one Bob, saw that on FB last night
  5. I have gone for black ony Celica but have not gone for black wheels, find that the black tends to hide how fabulous wheels look!
  6. Very nice! Shame about suspension, did you know about that in advance?
  7. Never seen that done before, it does look a bit odd you have a lot of real estate there on the front of the car with nothing on it (maybe debadging makes the effect more pronounced?) - personally I would have as Dan said smoothed the whole thing if fibreglassing? Would have come up a bit like the V3 nismo front bumper?
  8. +1 on quad pipes, didnt think they suited the Z but yours look good
  9. As a trekkie-interesting-fact digression, anyone spotted the men on the Enterprise in Next Generation walking around in skirts? I think there are something like 5 episodes its shown on...
  10. Because more sponsors and TV revenue comes in because of the bigger teams being present, companies are not really looking to be associated with Toro Rosso when Ferrari and Mercedes are on the scene. Its the same for so many sports, the bigger players get more money. Say football, its slightly different as an attending fan of a club goes to watch their club rather than the whole league each weekend, but fan base and marketing spend of fans of bigger clubs is going to massively outweigh the smaller ones - if fans attending formula 1 had to say who they were supporting its likely in many cases to be one of Ferrari, Mercedes, Red Bull or McLaren - thats why they are spending their money. Thats why Ferrari have power, because they know their appeal is what keeps fans coming in to watch, to buy tshirts and caps, to pay subscription TV and so on.
  11. I think its less about racing and more about money coming in through prestige and marketability and the like not about performance. F1 is all about image, it just doesn't shout as loud with its standard bearers being Mercedes or Red Bull than it does if its got Ferrari on there and Ferrari knows it. If Ferrari left, what if Toyota stepped in with a works team, had tonnes more money than all the smaller teams, it doesn't guarantee competitiveness at all in my view and quite easily could just swap one team out for another.
  12. Ferrari have the whole sport over a barrel they get away with murder.
  13. I think its joe public only - so public transport not included. I think its also fair to say that at some point this will be rolled out to other cities in the UK that exhibit any sort of 'requirement' to meet pollution targets.
  14. Bizarrely it used to work out quite nicely that you just turn the dollars into pounds and it was the cost to import, until the currency crash.
  15. Apart from making me think of Resident Evil (T-Virus!) another pollution charge on top of the current pollution charge. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-41695116 And to check if your car is subject to it https://tfl.gov.uk/modes/driving/emissions-surcharge/compliance-checker Funny enough, my 1995 two litre turbo is not subject to the charge
  16. All this time we thought genetically altered humans that live for hundreds of years, or spores that allow ships to travel instantaneously across the galaxy were the ultimate weapon, when in fact it was all along a Dan man-hug.
  17. I think Dan could talk a Klingon to death yes...
  18. ...you wimping out Dan, all talk tut tut.
  19. I reckon in a fight she would 'ave you Dan, Vulcan martial arts and all that...
  20. Hmmm maybe, but then its a whole new world, spending too much time on one character each episode means it would have no context. The way I have seen it is first couple of episodes setting up this new universe and main participants/motives, then a focus on Michael as the core element of the story - then bringing the captain into the storyline more (and we are still trying to work this guy out not sure if we should be backing him or not). It certainly doesn't have that in your face here are the 5 main people, one is a doctor and does doctor stuff, one is a vulcan with no emotion and does 1st officer stuff, one is a mad human captain and does mad captain stuff and so on, those are pretty predictable, I like the fact we are still working through this lot.
  21. Oh and am onto S2E5 of Expanse, its gotten a bit weird but its still pretty addictive.
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